022 | Breaking 😭

147 14 4

self harm mentioned
I'm sorry if it triggers anyone.

Charlotte's Pov

After screaming that I hated Kevin and Jane, Liv walked me home where she left me. I walked to my room ignoring Mum who asked if I was okay, I shut my bedroom door and pushed my chest of draws in front of it. I was fed up of having to be strong, I just wanted to tell end the pain.

"Why is it me that has to be in this position?" I cried throwing my coat to one side and rolled up my sleeves can I picked up a razor blaze and brought it into contact with my arms, tears splashing onto my duvet as the red liquid leaves my arm through the cut I had just made.

"One cut turns to two" I whispered to myself as I made another cut. Two cuts turned to three and three turned to four my arms were soon covered in red sticky blood as I grabbed some tissues to clean myself up. I watched the blood continue to trickle down my arms as I cried.

"Charley Tea!" I heard Mum shout as I glanced to my alarm clock seeing it was 5pm, I had been crying for hours. I pulled my sleeves down feeling the fabric of my top stick to the blood as I pushed my draws out of the way and made my way downstairs, my eyes were puffy and red, I was prepared for questions to be asked.

"I invited Rebecca and Ginny to have tea today" Mum smiled before she looked up and saw I had red puffy eyes.

"Have you been crying?" She immediately asked and I nodded.

"I tripped and head-butted my shelf, I'm fine though" I plastered a fake smile on my face a I crossed my fingers behind my back hoping I could get away with it, at least until tomorrow when I have my next counselling session.

"How did you manage that?" Ginny asked giving me a strange look.

"Wasn't watching what I was doing, you know what I'm like" I forced a giggle out as I sat down at the table. All of Tea I just pushed my food round the plate. Not in the mood to eat anything.

Victoria's pov

"I'm worried about her Beks, what if she's suffering and not telling me. I'm meant to be her Mum and I can't even help her" I tried to not cry as I spoke to my best mate.

"I know it sound hard Vic but you've got to make the first move, if she's suffering she may be scared to be the one to start the conversation" Rebecca suggested.

"I hate seeing her like this. And with the custody date set for next week and her and Liv facing prison I don't know how much more she will be able to take" I worried about my adopted daughter. I knew it was breaking her day by day, her drinking was a cry for help, she started talking to a therapist and is on meds for Depression but they can only do so much

"She's a fighter. You'll win the custody battle and she won't have to see those idiots again. And if you end up loosing the battle you can fight for what is right. Charlotte belongs here with you, she belongs with Liv and if the courts can't see that they must be blind because I can assure you she loves you" Rebecca tried to reassure me but I still worried about her.

"You staying for dinner?" I asked Rebecca who agreed to stay and Ginny joined us as I called Charley down, she had been crying and it was obvious but I hope after her next counselling session tomorrow things will start looking up.

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