029 | Happy Again

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Charlotte's PoV

Two days after waking up i was already bored of being in the hospital, my head hurt still but it was nothing a few painkillers would stop. Liv has been staying by my side and my therapist has came to visit me too, he suggested I get away from the village with mum for a bit. My social worker had also visited me too, she said that Kevin and Jane have no rights over me again and I could permanently move back in with Mum again which I was extremely happy about.

"MissSugden we are sorry to tell you that Kevin Woods has tragically passed away" that was Another thing was Kevin had died, I remembered the words ringing in my ears. I hated him just as much as Jane but I didn't want this. I didn't want them dead.

"You alright babe?" Liv asked pulling my from my deep thought.

"I'm fine" I lied looking down nervously running a hand through my hair.

"Lier" Liv instantly said as she raised her eyebrow to me.

"Fine I was just thinking about how Kevin is dead, I know I hated him more than anything but I didn't want this. I didn't want him dead. I feel sorry for Jane as much as I hate her none deserves to be alone" I explained to Liv who gently strokes my hand with her thumb.

"That's What makes you one of the incredible people. Your still thinking about them when they caused all the bad stuff to happen to you over the last few months" Liv smiled and I nodded.

"I want to go and see her, before I'm discharged" I explained to Liv who nodded.

"I'll get you a wheelchair and take you" she smiled. I looked down as Liv left me to my own thoughts until Liv ran back in with a wheelchair

"Your carriage awaits ma'am" Liv tried to act posh as she parked next to the bed. I swung my legs over the side and climbed out of bed and plopped myself in the chair, Liv then began racing round the hospital to where Jane was, she was sat up awake with a broken arm and leg.

"Charley, I've been so worried darling." Jane faked and I shook my head.

"I'm not hear for that. I'm here to say I'm sorry, I'm sorry that you caused the crash that killed Kevin and almost killed me." I paused feeling Liv's hand on my shoulder.

"And I pitty you" I finished calmly

"You pitty me?" she asked sounding genuinely confused as to why I said what I said.

"Yes I Pitty you became you don't know what a real family is or real love. I know what real love is; I have it with Liv who you stopped me seeing, I know what a real family is; it was my dad and now it's My Mum Victoria, Robert being my uncle and Diane being my grandmother. I have a better aunt figure in Rebecca and two cousin figures in Ginny and Seb. That's why I Pitty you, you've never had any of that and I'm sorry about that but you can't have me. That's all I came to say" I looked up to Liv and nodded indicating for her to take me back to my room

"Wait, I'm sorry too, for the way i treated you. It was wrong" Jane spoke but she wasn't convincing i just nodded as Liv pushed me away

"Your amazing, do you know that. How you could go in their and stay so calm while you spoke to the woman that almost killed you, your incredible infact" Liv beamed as we were finally back in my hospital room

"It's true though. My family is here and she needed to know that" I smiled  liv was sat beside me on the hospital bed as I rested my head on her shouder yawning.

"So Robert, Aaron and I have been talking and we thought that we could take you girls to Italy" mum told myself and Liv as herself, Robert and Aaron entered my hospital room. I looked at her and raised my eyebrows.

"Are you being serious?" I asked as I ran a hand through my hair.

"Deadly" mum smiled and my face lit up.

"I only expected to go to a sea side for a few days not to a foreign country on holiday" I exclaimed as I remembered mum saying to my therapist that we'd go to the beach not go to a different country, I didn't even think we'd be allowed since we're facing prison.

"We're going to Italy" Liv and I almost shouted, I dot think either of us were more excited than the other. A bunch of doctors and nurses looked into the room as if we had committed a crime, If was funny.

"We're not going for a week so you girl will have to go to school until Thursday and then we're going to the airport that afternoon it'll take around 2 hours to get their" Robert explained to us both. I was excited since I had always wanted to go to Italy

"You both have to promise you'll be extremely good though. We worked this out with your Bail officers because of what Charley's Therapist said." Mum brought up and I nodded

"We promise that we will behave" both Liv and I said simultaneously, we didn't want any more trouble not with our court case vastly approaching.

"Good" Mum smiled

"Everyone is so excited to see you. We've missed your mad moments in the group" liv soon explained to me and I smirked.

"I'll take that as a compliment Olivia" I smirked as I folded my arms playfully.

"Oh will you now Charlotte" Liv laughed as she started to tickle me. I laughed as I squirmed at the touch of my girlfriend.

"Mum make her stop" I giggled as liv continued to tickle me.

"No can do Sweetie. It looks like your both having too much fun, I think I'll leave her to it" Mum smirked as she watched me and Liv laughing and smiling. It was the first time in months that I felt myself again, I was back with Victoria, I was back with Liv and I didn't have to worry about Kevin and Jane trying to take me again, it was all coming together nicely and I was going to be happy again.

Victoria's pov

Seeing Charley laughing and happy again made me smile happily. I was happy I had her back and I could look after her again. I watched as Liv tickled Charley.

"Mum make it stop" Charley giggled as Liv tickled her continuously.

"No can do sweetie It looks like your both having too much fun, I think I'll leave her to it" I smirked watching both girls laughing. It was the first time in months I'd actually seen Charley happy again. It was a good sight and it was one I never wanted to forget.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2018 ⏰

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