023 | Therapist

137 12 4

Self-harm mentioned again
Sorry if this triggers anyone.

Charlotte's Pov

The next morning I woke up to a wet pillow, I cried myself to sleep last night well technically it was around 3am when I finally managed to sleep but it wasn't for long. I woke up at seven with a nightmare, more of a flashback really. I let a tear role down my cheek.


"Just do it or you'll get another beating" Chloe laughed as she pushed me into the bathroom, she had tipped paint everywhere and threatened to accuse me if I didn't clean it up

"It was you who made this mess. It's not fair that your trying to make me clean it up" I grumbled turning away to head back to my room as Chloe grabbed my arm tightly.

"You will clean it up." Chloe smirked squeezing my arm.

"I don't know why my mum and dad fostered you. Your stupid, Fat and ugly, your worthless and pointless. none loves you or will ever love you" she smirked and shoved me into the wall, she pinned by up to the wall by my neck as I tried to get away

"You will clean it or it won't only be me who hits you" Chloe smirked and let me go. I went into the bathroom as she pulled the door shut. My life was a mess, I had none left. I picked up a razor blade which was sat on the sink and broke it.

"Do it" a voice in my head told me as I brought the blade to my wrist and Crimson red blood left my wrist as the blood dripped into the white sink. It was the first time I self-harmed and the first time I actually felt like I wasn't important to anyone.

End of flashback

I wiped my eyes as I cried, I wasn't important. I picked up my razor blade contemplating whether or not I should end it now. I held the blade in my hand and opened my bed room door. I tiptoed through the landing and into the bathroom where I locked myself in. I leant against the door and slid down until I was on the floor, I pulled my knees into my chest putting my head on my knees and held my arms in front of me as I brought the blade to my wrist and dragged it across, the red blood trickled down my arm onto the white tiles of the floor, for a moment everything seemed to be fine but it didn't last long. I soon washed my arm and wiped the blood from the floor, I plastered a fake smile onto my face and made my way back to my room. I got dressed and pulled on a navy hoodie before making my way downstairs.

"Morning sweetie, you sleep well?" Mum asked me as I plopped myself down on the sofa.

"Yeah" I lied not wanting to speak about it.

"You ready for your counselling session today?" Mum then asked curiously as she came and sat next to me.

"Not really" I grumbled. Mum decided to stop pushing the subject, mum had breakfast and tried to get me to eat but I didn't eat anything. I wasn't hungry, I was fat wasn't I.

"Come on Charley, you need to eat something before we go to your appointment." Mum tried to coxes me to eat. A few hours later we were getting ready to head to my therapist, mum never managed to get me to eat, I was determined not to eat anything. The drive to my therapists was silent, sat twiddling with my fingers as we pulled up outside the house.  Mum knocked on the door as we waited for James to answer the door,

"I'd love to see Charlotte on her own to start with today if you don't mind" James my therapist asked as he answered the door.

"That'll be fine" Mum smiled as we went inside the house. James took me into his office Their was a large window behind the sofa, Their was a brown and cream theme going out throughout the room. I sat on the sofa as I chewed the inside of my cheek.

"So how are you feeling today?" James asked me as he sat down in his armchair. I stayed silent.

"Just peachy" I mumbled after a good five minutes of not saying anything.

"Can you elaborate on that?" James asked as he looks at me.

"What more is their to say, that I'm not important. That even my aunt and uncle want to make my life a misery. They want to take me away from the only place i ever felt like I belonged since my dad died! That I want to be with my dad." I said forcefully as I held tears back

"And Have you hurt yourself since our last meeting?"  James asked as he leant forward in his chair. This was the question I was dreading most, I nodded.

"Can you show me them?" James asked and I sighed slowly rolling my sleeves up which reveal the cuts I had made on my arms. James looked at them.

"Can you tell me why?" James asked.

"What am I meant to say. It's nothing you've not heard in our last meeting" I grumbled.

"Charlotte, these appointments are to help you" James told me.

"Fine! It's because I'm not important! I'm Fat and I'm stupid. Theirs no point me being alive" I forcefully said and James sighed. James left me fiddling with my fingers as he went to talk to Mum

Victoria's pov

James, Charley's therapist came out of the office and over to me, he looked worried and that worried me.

"So it's came out that Charlotte has been self harming serverly, have you noticed any other changes in her behaviour" James asked me and I thought for a moment.

"She has been spending more and more time in her room. She came downstairs with red puffy eyes yesterday and she said she had been crying but she said she just tripped and hit her head. She hasn't been eating properly for a few days but I also let her stay round Liv, her girlfriends so I don't know if anything happened round their" I explained. James nodded

"Im going to need you to keep a close eye on her until next week." James told me and took me into the room to talk with Charley. I saw her arms covered in old and new cuts and immediately sat next to her pulling her into my side as she sobbed silently

"I'm sorry" Charley whispered with her head on my shoulder. It was going to be a long recovery for her and all I could do was support her through it all.

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