003 | Rescuing A Stranger

389 17 5

Charlotte's Pov

I had spent the night in a hostal, I stayed out of sight but it was lovely and warm. I was with Ginny that night. We had became best friends, I promised that I would protect her even if we weren't staying together.

"It would be safer if we stayed together. It's dangerous out their; I don't want you to get hurt and you don't want me to get hurt" I suggested to Ginny as we walked past a small corner shop our stomachs grumbled.

"Sure" Ginny shrugged. The pair of us walked into the shop acting normal and I nodded so it seemed normal. We grabbed some food and ran for it. Once we had stopped being followed we stopped running and sat under a tree eating.

"I don't think I've laughed so much since I was little" I smiled towards my new friend. soon we both found ourselves walking again, I was back in the village from yesterday. My instinct brought me there. I went through the bins for some food. I watched as adults walked around the village, a bus drove past and off climbed two girls probably around my age. All of a sudden I smelt smoke. I followed the smell and found a car on fire.

"Vic" a woman was shouting while holding a baby. I dropped my bags next to Ginny and ran, whoever was in the car had to be rescued and I was going to do that I tried pulling the door but it wouldn't open. I smashed the window with my elbow flinching slightly as the glass smashed.

"Call the fire brigade and a ambulance" I shouted to the woman holding the baby. I managed to open the car door coughing as I breathed in a whole lot of smoke. I glanced around and saw people starting to watch what was going on.

"What's going on?" I heard another woman's voice shout.

"Victoria is stuck in the car, that girl, she's pulling her out" I assumed the woman with the baby responded. I unbuckled the woman's seat belt and gently pulled her up the door.

"I'm going to get you out of here" I told the unconscious woman as I gently lifted her over my shoulder and got her out of the car; I crouched down and placed her on the floor away from the car. I checked Victoria's airways arms her pulse before I put her into the recovery position as a fire engine pulls up followed closely by the ambulance.

"What happened here?" The paramedic asked as I continue coughing.

"This woman was I the car, I pulled her out of the fire, she's breathing but she breathed in a lot of smoke." I explained the little I knew as I coughed again. The paramedic took the woman into the ambulance.

"Come on you two, you need to get checked out" the paramedic told me as she tried to take my arm.

"No, sorry I don't want to." I looked around and Ginny had disappeared. So much for sticking together.

"Sorry but you inhaled quite abit of smoke yourself from your heroics" the paramedic raised her eye brow at me and took me into the back of The ambulance. Which put its sirens on and began racing down the road with myself and Victoria in the back. I watched her slow breaths, she reminded me in some ways of my Mum from the picture I've got. She was covered in ash and dirt from the fire but I could tell she was pretty. She seemed like she could make you smile just by looking at you or just saying one simple like and you would both start laughing. I continued to imagine what this Victoria woman would be like as we pulled to a stop.

"Come on let's get you inside" the paramedic smiled and got out of the ambulance. I flung my bags onto my bag and got out. When she wasn't looking I dashed away hoping not to get caught.

This was my life; the life Of Charlotte Wood, running from everything and everyone.

My Adopted Life (Emmerdale) (ON HOLD)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ