008 | Friends

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So to start the video above is a clip from Chicago Fire, credit goes to whoever posted it on YouTube. I love The program and the little clip is used later on and secondly all the facts about Gabby, Liv and Jacob are made up

- Jess xx

Charlottes pov

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Charlottes pov

After a long night sleep I finally woke up in what will hopefully be my new room. I remembered Aaron was going to introduce me to his little sister today. I looked around my room and smiled, it wasn't much but if Victoria was able to Adopt me I could make it my own, I could add posters and my Archery trophy which I won when I was only 9 years old.

"Good morning baby" Victoria smiled as she opened my door, I was sat lazily on my bed.

"Morning Mum, how are you feeling today" I asked calling Victoria Mum which made me happy, it looked like it also made her happy.

"I'm feeling alright thank you Charlotte, are you okay?" Victoria asked as she came and sat on the bed next to me.

"I'm good, brilliant in fact. I was just thinking about what the room will be like when I can officially be your daughter. I want to have my Archery Trophy on my dresser, like it was when my dad was alive" I beamed, I was positive this was going to work out.

"You could even paint it if you want, any colour you want" Victoria let me know, my eyes lit up and a lighter smile formed on my face

"It looks like that makes you happy. How about you get dressed we can have some breakfast and then I'll take you round to Aaron's. Robert has text me that Aaron's taking the morning off from work to make sure you and Liv get along" Victoria informed me.

"He didn't have to do that for me. I would have been alright meeting her without anyone" I answered almost immediately.

"He thought it would be nice. So what would you like for breakfast?" Victoria asked me and I thought for a moment. I had no clue what to ask for.

"What about Strawberry pancakes?" I asked running my hand through my hair, Victoria seemed pleased with my choice and left me to get dressed, once I was dressed in a pair of black jeans and a simple top I made my way downstairs and sat down at the table with Victoria and our plates of pancakes.

"Let's get going" Victoria finally said as we got ready to leave the house to head to Aaron's. I was nervous but also beyond excited to meet Liv. We walked to the house and Aaron let us in.

"Liv, Charlotte's here" Aaron called to his younger sister who made her way down the stairs. She was gorgeous. Aaron introduced us and we got on like a house on fire. Liv told Aaron she was taking me to meet Gabby and Maddie, two of her friends who also were pretty cool to, I think they might end up to be three of my best friends, maybe me and liv could even become something more, just maybe.

"I'm Jacob Gallagher" a boy smiled as he has walked up to the cricket pavilion where I was sat with Liv, Gabby and Maddie, my three new friends

"I'm Charlotte Woods; Charley" I smiled with a shrug. I watched as Jacob tried to flirt with me, calling me pretty and saying lame jokes, seriously can't be tell I'm not into him like that, I'm gay for crying out loud

"Let's play two truths one lie?" Madeline suggested

"Sounds good to me" I shrugged, I've played the game before with my friends from Drama and also a few friends from Dance.

"Right I'll go first" Liv smiled

"One; when I was little I broke my arm on a trampoline. Two; I'd like to be a teacher today. Three; I once tried to cut my own hair with a pair of scissors and it went terribly wrong" liv said all with a straight face as she tried not to laugh.

"Well I can definitely believe the cut your own hair fact because I know a few people who would have done that and you seem like you would have. I also believe that you broke your arm when you were a child. So I think you don't want to be a teacher" I immediately called her bluff, Maddie thought her hair one was the lie along with Gabby whole Jacob thought it was her arm

"Your right" liv laughed as she watched me and pointed to me. Her smile was beautiful and her laugh was like music to my ears

"I'll go next" Madeline smiled

"So my first one is i speaks three languages, my second one is I'm a musical freak. And my third one is am a vegetarian." Madeline smiled probably trying to trick us. I thought for a moment. I thought maybe she was lying about the three languages but some people can, I can speak two and a half so you never know Maddie might be able to speak 3 languages

"Okay I'm going for the three languages to be your lie" I shrugged, Jacob said that the vegetarian was a lie while liv and Gabby went for the musicals.

"Jacobs right, I'm a vegetarian was the lie" Madeline smirked as she had tricked us

"I'll go next" I smirked as I thought of my lie.

"One; I love Archery and I've done it since I was about 6. Two; i once read the last Harry Potter book in four and a half days. Three: I'm allergic to pineapple." I stopped as I wondered what everyone would choose.

"I think your lie is your allergic to pineapple" Liv said while the other two agreed with her.

"Sorry but your all wrong, my lie was I once read the last Harry Potter book in four and half day, I read it in two weeks three days" I smirked. We continued playing for Gabby and Jacob turn before Jacob stood up

"I was wondering if you'd like to go to the cinema some time, like on a date" Jacob asked curiously, I rolled my eyes, I thought of the first ever Chicago Fire What Leslie Shay has said to someone who was trying to ask her out.

"Jacob Gallagher are you gay?" I asked the brunette boy who was stood leaning against the wood at the cricket pavilion. Liv, Gabby and Madeline were sat next to me as the looked at our conversation.

"No" he spoke in almost a question.

"Because I am" I simply responded like it was a normal thing to say, Jacob looked embarrassed, he ended up walking away

"Are you really Gay?" Liv asked me, her voice sounded hopeful.

"Yep not that many people know, my ex foster family didn't approve of it but I like girls, fully gay. Nothing will change that" I shrugged, I had nothing to be ashamed of by saying that and I was happy I finally had friends I could share it with.

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