011 | I Like You

214 12 3

Charlotte's Pov

I was sat in the bar after the day out with Victoria. It was the two after mine and Victoria's day out; it was also a day after Liv, Maddie, Gabby and I played some drinking games and I almost walked into the road without paying attention after being tipsy, if it wasn't for Maddie I would have got myself killed. Victoria wasn't happy when she saw I was drunk but she let it slide as long as it doesn't happen again. Victoria was working while I was waiting for Liv who was out back talking to Chas.

"Charley you wouldn't be able to look after Seb for me later on? Roberts working and I've got a appointment" Rebecca asked me as she rushed into the pub with her son.

"That will be fine, you don't have to ask if I mind" I smiled looking up from the bar. Rebecca thanked me before she told me what time she would drop Seb off.

"Mum. I'm going to go and meet Liv and Maddie is that okay?" I asked Victoria who has brought someone's meal out.

"That's fine. See you later ok" Victoria smiled from behind the bar. I hopped off the stool and walked out of the pub meeting Maddie outside with Liv who had snuck out of the back of the woolpack

"I've got to be back by 2. I'm babysitting Seb for Rebecca" I informed Maddie as we walked to the cricket pavilion.

"I wonder why she didn't ask Robert to look after him. Last time I checked they hadn't had a arguement" liv spoke out loud.

"She said Robert was working. I didn't question it, just said I didn't mind looking after him. I love kids but would still prefer to be a firefighter" I shrugged as we made our way to the pavilion steps.

"You didn't tell me SHE was coming?" Jacobs voice grumbled indicating to me.

"If you've got a problem with me or the fact I'm gay you can shove it up your ass. If you've got a problem with gay people in general you can shove or irrelevant opinions where the sun doesn't shine. I don't appreciate people who are homophobic anyway" I stuck up for myself

"I don't have a problem with gays! I have a problem with you. You could have just said no I don't want to go to the cinema with you, I'd of been fine with that" Jacob rolled his eyes causing me to fold my arms defensively

"Oh and have you keep asking my out. That would be so much fun" I responded sarcastically which made the girls laugh. Jacob scoffed glaring at me.

"You are so annoying" Jacob grumbled.

"So can I just clear a few things up?" I paused as I asked the question

"you've got a problem with me because I'm gay and I told you I was gay so you wouldn't keep asking me out?" I asked to clarify things.

"That's right" Jacob nodded

"That's the most pathetic thing I've heard in a long time." I laughed rolling my eyes.

"To be honest Jacob that is pathetic." Liv shrugged along with Maddie and Gabby.

"You've only been here for a few days and you've already turned my mates against me." Jacob announced sounding like a jealous little child.

"Your sounding like such a jealous child. All I want is friends and to have this work out. I've always wanted a mum and this is my chance to be happy again. Victoria has been treating me like her own which has meant so much to me. So I'm sorry if that isn't what you want. You can either suck it up and deal with me being here OR you can leave with the stupid jealousy and sulk, your choice" I smirked folding my arms.

"Charley isn't taking us away from you, she's just saying it as it is. You know that if you weren't so moody after Charley said she was gay so what." Liv defended me

"Whatever" Jacob left the pavilion in a mood

"He's just being a jealous ass" Maddie grumbled. The four of us sat laughing and talking as I caught Liv looking at me with a smile on her face.

Her smile was gorgeous...

Her eyes lit up a room...

She looked perfect to me...

"Damn I better go, gotta get back to have Seb, see you all later" I stood up from where I was sat laughing with my friends.

"I'll come with you, said I'd do some things for Aaron" Liv stood up but I could tell she was lying, the tone of her voice told me that.

"Okay, come on then" I smiled to Liv who stood up and we both started walking away from the cricket pavilion.

"You didn't really say you'd do something for Aaron did you?" I asked with a smirk watching Livs body language which gave it away.

"Honestly no" Liv smiled which made me smile. I felt like this before. I was falling for Liv for sure.

"Then why did you say you'd come with me?" I asked confused to why she would lie just to come with me.

"I like you Charlotte. When we first met; when I saw you in the village before you saved Victoria I didn't see a homeless girl, I saw a beautiful girl who had just had it rough" Liv said timidly, this wasn't like her, I knew that.

"Liv, I feel the same but I didn't want to say anything because I wasn't sure if you'd have felt the same" I ran a hand through my hair after I spoke.

"Let's get back to Vics, we can talk more while I help you look after Seb" Liv smiled as we walked through the village and to the house. I let Liv in with a smile on my face. Maybe this wasn't too bad.

"Before Rebecca gets here with Seb could I ask you something?" Liv asksed me and I nodded

"Course you can?" I answered in more of a question than a answer.

"Will you maybe be My girlfriend?" Liv asked me with a hopeful smile on her face

"Yes" I smiled wrapping my arms around liv who smiled and kissed my cheek as their was a knock at the door. I answered and invited Rebecca in and took Seb from her arms.

"Thank you again for doing this" Rebecca smiled as she kissed her soon goodbye and left the house. Today was a good day and I couldn't have been happier with how my life was right now.

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