007 | Your The Local Hero

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Charlotte's Pov

We drove down the road as i watched the countryside roll by, it looked beautiful and pieceful; relaxing even.

"If you want tomorrow I could introduce you to my sister Liv, she's about your age?" Aaron asked as we approached the village.

"I'd like that, thank you Aaron" I bit my lip as I finally sat up straight and then nerves kicked in. Robert soon pulled up to the village where their it was extremely quite. Strange, when I wandered the village their was always people around. Robert lead Victoria and I into the pub 'the woolpack'

"Welcome home" everyone called out as Victoria entered and Aaron took me in after

"Our Local Hero" they all called as I entered. I looked down and ran a hand through my hair.

"How old are you" a girl who looked about 18 Maybe 19 asked me as I was left stood by the doors, I had froze, I wasn't sure what to say it was like my brain had just frazzled into mush.

"14" I soon mumbled as I snapped myself from my thoughts.

"I would have thought you were older, I've never met one so brave that they ran into a burning car and pulled someone out before" the girl smiled towards me.

"If I was a fire fighter I'd do it as a living, getting the practice in now" I giggled.

"I'm Belle, by the way" the girl smiled and looked up.

"I'm Charlotte, people usually call me Charley" I shrugged unsure what else I was meant to say. Myself and Belle stood talking for agood ten minutes when the music stopped.

"I'd like to say some words" Victoria announced, I could feel people's lives eyes on me since Victoria was stood next to me

"Just over three days ago I wasn't expecting to be in that car fire. I didn't expect to have to be rescued and almost die. This beautiful girl here was brave enough to break the car window and pull me out, she sat by my bedside from the very start. Charlotte here is only 14 years old and she pulled me from a burning building to save my life; to save the life of someone she didn't even know know so I would like to say a massive thank you yo this teenager who I hope I'll have the honour of calling my daughter in a few weeks time" Victoria smiled as she put her arm around my shoulder.

"Speech, speech!" I heard people start to chant and I looked down running a hand through my hair, I felt Victoria put her arm around my shoulder

"So I'm Charlotte; Charley, I've never been too good at speeches or stuff like that but I'm going to try my best" I paused running my hand through my hair again.

"Ever since I was a child I've always wanted a firefighter, I've wanted to save people from fires. The adrenaline of running into fire, the buzz you get it's always hit me, watching fires on tv and thinking. One day I'll be a firefighter, one day I'll be able to save more peoples lives. I was lucky enough to be here now after saving Victoria's love the other day and I am so glad I did save her otherwise I wouldn't have found someone I am hopeful going to be able my mum. I may have saved you Victoria but you have changed my life and I would like to say thank you" I smiled after turning to face my possible adopted mother who pulled me into a hug.

"Let's her it for our Local Hero!" Robert called as everyone clapped. I sat at the bar while I watched people talking, belle joined me and smiled.

"Your a phenomenal person, you know that." Belle told me as she took a sip of her drink.

"I wouldn't say that. I just followed my instincts" I shrugged. We continued talking for a good hour, I learnt about her mental health issues and how things are never as they seem in the village, she told me that if Victoria officially adopts me then I'll have a cousin which is Rebecca and Robert's son Seb, he was the cutest so I wouldn't mind having him as a cousin.

"Come on Charlotte, let's get you home. It's getting late and I'm going to have to cook your dinner" Victoria told me pulling me from my conversation with Belle.

"Okay Mum" I paused hoping from the stool.

"See you soon Belle" I smiled towards her and followed Victoria out of the pub, their were people walking around the village as the sun began setting.

"I think I'm going to like it here, I think this could be my forever home" I smiled as we entered the cottage; Keepers Cottage.

"Welcome to your Forever Home" Victoria smiled enthusiasticly, she seemed positive and optimistic That made me feel positive. This was going to work out I was sure of it

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