020 | After The Prank

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Third person

It had been a few weeks since Charlotte ended up in hospital and she had agreed to speak to a counsellor. Charlotte, Liv and Gabby has Don't something bad and stupid, they spiked Lisa Dingle's drink, Gabby owned up but Charlotte and Liv haven't said a word. Charlotte, Liv and Gabby walked through the village, Bernice didn't want Gabby near Liv or Charlotte which didn't bother the girls they ignored the adults. Maddie had stopped talking to Gabby after finding out she was involved in the drugging of Lisa. On the other hand Ginny was still stuck by Gabby's side, they had got together a few days before it all happened

"Shit Bernice is coming" Charley grumbled as she held Livs hand and walked through the road of the village. Gabby quickly hid behind a bush.

"Your a idiot you know that" Charley laughed to Liv as they tried to act normal and as if they hadn't seen Gabby, obviously they did see her but Bernice didn't need to know that. That night Charley stayed round at the Mill, Victoria allowed her to stay as long as she behaved which she had agreed but all Charlotte could think of was Lisa and how she had been lying to such a lovely woman, it was destroying her much more than she would admit.

Charlotte's PoV

Since the stupid prank which resulted in Lisa ending up in hospital myself and Liv have kept quiet. Gabby has gone to the police on the other hand. It was a early morning before school, I was sat on the floor next to Liv as we did our homework together. I wasn't thinking straight when we actually did it, I'm still not thinking straight but I did feel guilty, really guilty, Lisa's in hospital and could have died. Aaron knew we were involved and so does Robert but we haven't told Victoria.

"I hate maths" I grumbled looking at the same maths question I had been stuck on for the last ten minutes.

"You can do it Charley, just don't think to hard" Liv put her hand on mine as I tapped my pen against my book over and over. Robert raced into the house looking for Sebs Teddy, I think, it was sat under Liv's textbook which we were both answering questions from

"Hey have you seen seb's teddy? You'd think I'd forgotten to dress him the way Vic's carrying on" Robert paused and lifted up the book.

"Very helpful" he answered sounding annoyed.

"Sorry" we both apologised together

"I bet Chas can't wait to have you babysit for her, Your a natural" Robert sarcastically spoke to Liv as we continued to do our work.

"Liv, Charley I'm all for you both doing your homework but do you really have to be sprawled out all over the floor?" Aaron asked us both

"We're following orders, carry on as normal" Liv responded through knocks at the door.

"Have you took your tablets?" Aaron soon asked me, I shook my head. I had been too busy doing homework.

"No not yet Aaron" I responded.

"Charlotte you know you have to take one at morning and night, take it now" aaron demanded and I nodded standing up and taking a tablet, the therapist put me on them because he thinks I'm depressed. I took the tablet and went to sit on the floor again to continue my homework. I zoned out for a couple of minutes but was snapped from my thought when Bernice and Gabby appear in the house.

"One word, Lisa. Start talking you caniving little madams" Bernice's voice came out strong, I immediately stood up along with Liv. Both liv and I looked towards our best friend. Liv and I soon were able to leave for school but we both couldn't focus.

"We need to tell Lisa" Liv spoke which was like she read my mind. It was we went to the hospital and saw Lisa and ended up telling her everything before we left the hospital

"Good luck with Aaron, he'll go mad that you, wait both of us skipped school" I warned my girlfriend who had her arm around me as we were walking to the mill, it was the afternoon after both Liv and I went to visit Lisa, we told her it was us that drugged her drink but it wasn't meant for her.. We both went inside the mill and dumped our bags on the floor, I didn't have to say good luck since I ended up going in with her.

"What do you both think your playing at?!" Aaron asked sounding rather annoyed.

"Sorry" I paused glancing over to liv who started walking towards Aaron.

"We've been to see Lisa" Liv finished. I knew she was trying to hard not to cry, So was I.

"We told her it was us, she hates us" I added on as liv starts to almost cry

"I said not to go" Aaron looked at liv, I saw Robert looking at me

"What did she say?" Robert asked

"She said that it's not fair on Gabby" we both said together.

"Why didn't you tell me you both were going?" Aaron asked in a gentle tone

"I couldn't keep lying to her face Aaron, she's been like a grandma to me" liv speaks and I looked down. I hated lying full stop, it was eating me alive. I stood back as liv and Aaron have a brother and sister moment. Liv was beyond scared that Lisa would tell the Police and so was I. Robert went to answer the door

"Visitors" was all Robert said as two police women walked in. I looked back to Liv, it was most likely for us, well Liv since this is her house.

"Mr Dingle, we'd much appreciate it if you'd acomply liv to the started, it's regarding a incident involving Lisa Dingle" the police woman paused and looked towards me

"Are you Charlotte Sugden?" She asked me bad I nodded before she called someone who also came round.

"Why What has Gabby said" I asked, Robert cane over to me and put his arm around me while Aaron did the same. I knew Mum was going to find out now

"It has nothing to do with them" Aaron mentioned.

"We've obtained information which suggests otherwise" the woman finished.

"Olivia Flaherty I'm arrestingly for theft and administering a noxious substance" the first police woman announced as the police man looked at me.

"Charlotte Sugden I'm arrestingly for theft and administering a noxious substance" he said to me.

"We will need a suitable adult to acomply Charlotte to the station, her mother perhaps" my officer told Robert who nodded.

"You both do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something you may later rely on in court, anything you do say maybe given in evidence. Understand?" The woman officer asked and both Liv and I nodded unable to speak. I turned to Liv for a second and grabbed her hand gently.

"I love you Liv" I whispered to her earning a small smile from my girlfriend.

"I love you too Charley" Liv responses as I give her a small smile too. We were both taken in separate cars to the station. Robert was sat with me while I waited for mum to come. I knew I would be in trouble but I just wanted Liv to be safe and that all that mattered to me.

"It was me" I admitted, I was going to take the full blame even if Liv tells them it was her I had to protect Liv, she was my world and meant so much to me, this was the only way I could protect her.

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