014 | Just Being With You

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Charlotte's Pov

Liv and I have been dating for two weeks now which means I've been been Charlotte Sugden for a week. Today liv and I were spending the day together and I was happy with that.  I was laying in bed, my curtains were open letting the blue shy shine through the window. It looked like it was going to be a warm day but it surely wasn't.

"Charley, Livs here!" I heard mum call from the bottom of the stairs, I picked up my phone and was shocked to see it was 9:30. I was still in my pyjamas but I didn't care.

"Send her up please mum" I called back with my phone in my hands. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and in walked Liv.

"You still in bed, lazy bones" Liv chuckled as she jumped onto the bed next to me.

"I'm not lazy, I've been out of bed this morning to open the curtain, then I got cold so I got back under my covers" I giggled

"Lazy" Liv laughter poking my sides

"Not lazy" I poked Liv back

"Are" Liv laugh poking me again.

"Not" I laughed as we went back and fourth poking each other and laughing

"So what do you want to do today" Liv asked after we had composed ourself from laughing, my face was red and my eyes had cried from all the laughing I had done.

"Just being with you is perfect for me" I smiled playing with Liv's hand as we lounge about on my bed.

"Well we can't just lay in here all day" Liv shrugged and I sighed.

"Why don't we just go for a walk. Just me and you" I asked as I continued to play with her hand.

"Okay, I'll leave you to get dressed, would you like a drink?" Liv asked pushing a strand of hair from my face.

"Go on then. I'll be down in ten" I smiled  letting go of her hand and kissed her soft pink lips.

"See you downstairs" liv smiled kissing my forehead and leaving me in my room. I climbed out of my bed and went straight to the wardrobe where I pulled out a pair of black jeans and a simple white t-shirt over my shirt I added a black hoodie. I added a pair of black trainers and simply pulled my hair into a ponytail before I left my room and made my way downstairs to Liv who had made two cups of teas.

"Tea for the lazy bones" liv smirked handing me a floral Mum and I took a sip from it.

"I'm not lazy" I laughed putting my mug down and folded my arms in a playful manner

"Are too" Liv laughed

Liv's pov

I watched as Charlotte laughed as we argued about if she was lazy or not. Her smile was beautiful, her laugh was like music to my ears. Charlotte rises her mug and placed it on the side before she flicked water at me

"You shouldn't have done that Charley" I laughed as she immediately ran out of the kitchen. I heard her run up the stairs so I followed. I ran up the stairs and looked around.

"You can't hide forever Charley" I called from the landing. I listened for her laughter and followed into her room.

"I'm going to find you Charley" I called as I looked around my girlfriends bedroom, I heard her sniffling and crouched down to look under her bed

"No" Charley laughed as she rolled out from under her bed and I immediately started to tickle her, hearing her laugh made me smile

"Liv" Charley laughed as she sqirmed at the touch of my hands.

"What's that Charley? Did you say you are a lazybones" I asked laughing myself.

"Neverrrrrr" she shouted through Her laughter

"I'm sorry but you'll have to say that or I won't stop" I teased my girlfriend who continued to squirm as she laughed.

"Fine, fine. I'm a lazy bones" Charley laughed but I smirks as I continued to tickle her.

"What was that Charlotte?" I asked smirking

"Im a lazybones" Charley shouted through giggles,mi got off of her and sat down Beside her as we both caught our breath.

"I really hate you sometimes Olivia Flaherty" Charlotte smirked as she finally caught her breath.

"The feeling is mutual Charlotte Sugden" I used her full name in response. We both soon decide to go for the walk just us too and it was nice just being us

"Just being with you, that's all I need" Charley whispered holding my hand as we walked

"It's all I need to" I responded kissing her cheek. Walking with Charlotte all that seemed to matter was us, it seemed as if we were the only two people in the world and I was extremely happy with that.

Ginny's PoV

I had been in the village again for a few days, Gabby has been hiding me but today I got caught by her step mother Laurel, last night I has snuck out the window and was talking to a older boy, Lachlan I believe it is, he said he had a sister called Ginny which was odd, not many people have that As their. I was sat on a bench outside a church, I was just listening to the birds chirping when I saw a recognisable person, Charlotte. She looked happy and that was great, we both kept eye contact for a couple of seconds before she disappeared round the corner, maybe I could actually find my new life here, in emmerdale village.

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