027 | A Car Accident

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Theirs self harm and Abuse mentioned but not a lot. It's only a small mention
Just a warning

Charlottes pov

It has been a long week since the court hearing. Living with Kevin and Jane is a nightmare, I just want to go back home to Victoria, have cuddles with Liv and be laughing with Maddie, Ginny and Gabby. My arms are looking pretty bad and not only that my thighs too. I'm made to go everywhere Kevin and Jane go and they aren't allowing me to attend a school, in fact they are having me home schooled which isn't fair.

"Charlotte wake up and get dressed! We are going to the shop in ten minutes" I heard Jane's witchy voice shout through my closed door. Little did she know I have been up for hours, I have been crying and hurting for hours.

"Yes Jane" I called back not in the mood to a argument or a fight.

"You remember what we told you to call us!" Jane demanded as she pushed her way into the bedroom, luckily I had long sleeve pyjamas on so she couldn't see my arms or my legs.

"I'm sorry" my breathing quickened as I tried to push myself further and further into the headboard of the bed.

"Your our niece! You have to call us auntie and uncle do I make make myself clear!" Jane growled as she came over to my bed, she hit me numerous of times.

"Right your putting on these pair of jeans and this tank top, it's hot out!" Jane smirked, I didn't want to wear a tank top. I wanted to wear a jumper to cover my arms, people will stare. Jane left the room and I climbed out of bed. I wiped my eyes and pulled on the jeans and tank top. I grabbed a cardigan and slipped it on to cover my arms, i knew if Kevin and Jane saw my arms they would probably say I'm attention seeking but I'm not.

"I told you not to wear a coat!" Jane growled as I stood in the door way of the kitchen.

"I'm sorry Auntie Jane, I'm just cold." I bit the inside of my cheek and kept my breathing slow as I felt myself panicking. Jane came up to me and pulled the cardigan from my body. I watched their eyes look upon my arms, Kevin looked disgusted while Jane just glared. Kevin and Jane walked off and started to talk between themselves.

"Come on to the car we're going out" Kevin pointed to the door. I walked to the car and got into the back seat as Kevin and Jane get into the front. I wasn't sure where we were going but I didn't want to question it. I sat in silence with my seatbelt on as Jane began racing down the road. I watched the trees pass the window. I was thinking what Liv was doing right now, what Mum would be doing and how much I missed them.

"Your going to crash" I screamed as Jane was on her phone, she lost control of the car and before I knew it we had crashed into a fence and down a hill, the door flung open and I was being thrown around my seatbelt popped off and I was thrown out of the car hitting my head on the car door before landing on the ground in pain.

Third Person

Charlotte was thrown from the car hitting her head on the door before landing on the grass. She soon fell unconscious with her brown hair starting to turn red with the blood from her head. The paramedics and firefighters were soon at the crash sight and rushed Charlotte straight to the hospital.

"Hello Victoria Sugden speaking" Victoria answered her phone. The hospital had rang her to tell her Charlotte was in hospital.

"Your the Adopted mother of Charlotte Sugden am I correct?" The voice spoke which worried Victoria

"Yes How can I help you" Victoria asked in a clear but worried voice.

"Charlotte Sugden was involved in a car accident earlier today. She is currently in intensive care after suffering a head injury." The hospital told Victoria who's face dropped

"I'll be Their right away" Victoria immediately said as she hung up the phone.

"Charity, can I leave early. Charlotte's been in a car accident and is in hospital" Victoria asked as liv entered the pub
"Charley's in hospital. I'm coming with you" liv immediately said as she worried about her girlfriend. Charity let Victoria go to the hospital and liv immediately went with her.

Liv's pov

I hadn't seen Charley in a week and I missed her so much, it was unbelievable that Kevin and Jane had been given custody over Victoria and we were trying to fight it. Victoria has a phone call saying Charley was in hospital and I had to go with her. She was was surely going to be scared.

"Come on you twat. Wake up, Ive missed you more than anything. Your going to be back with us now. Please Charley wake up" I cried as I sat next to her bedside, her brunette hair had a white blood stains bandage around and he was covered in bruises. I hated seeing her like this and wanted her to wake up so much.

"She'll wake up, she's a fighter" Victoria said calmly as she sat opposite me and I was sure she was right, Charley was going to wake up and I was going to be here when she does.

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