015 | Aunt and Uncle

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Kevin and Jane Woods are played by Jonathan and Anna SacconeJoly. Their personality are going to be nothing like they are in real life because Charlottes aunt and uncles are t going to be like Anna and Jonathan

- Jess xx

Charlotte's Pov

Later the same evening after going for a walk with Liv I saw Ginny. I had been so worried about her.

"Ginny, where have you been" I worried as I flung my arms around the teenage girl stood opposite me with the same smile on her face.

"Here and their. Been staying with gabby for awhile. Do you know her?" Ginny asked and I nodded

"Yeah, Gabby's one of my best friends" I smiled nervously

"Cool." Ginny smiled. I invited Ginny back to mine. We went inside and I saw Mum and Rebecca sat on the sofa

"Mum, Rebecca this is Ginny. Ginny this is my adopted Mum Victoria and Rebecca, she's like my auntie" I introduced Ginny to the pair but Rebecca's face seemed to light up much more, it was as if she already knew Ginny but it couldn't have been possible, could it.

"It's nice to meet you" Ginny smiled and I turned back to face the adults,

"We're going to go and watch a film upstairs, could I take the popcorn please Mum?" I asked and Mum said yes. Ginny and I went to my room and we chose a film.

"I bet you can't catch this in your mouth" Ginny smirked holding some popcorn in her hand.

"I bet I can" I giggled even though I was as certain I wouldn't be able to. Ginny popped the popcorn in her mouth and picked up a handful in her hand and threw it at me making it go everywhere, in my hair and on the floor

"That was so unfair" I laughed pulling peices of popcorn out of my hair.

"It So was fair Charlotte" Ginny laughed. We continued to watch the film until it ended and then I saw Ginny off. When Ginny had left I went upstairs and changed into my unicorn onesie before joining Mum and Rebecca on the sofa. I rested my head on mums shoulder as I watched the tv program before falling asleep on the sofa.

"Charley sweetie don't you think you'd be more comfortable in bed?" Mum asked as she shook me awake and I nodded groggily heading upstairs and into my room where I climbed into bed and went straight to sleep the next morning I woke up and got dressed straight into a black skater skirt and white crop top since I was going into work with Mum, I was only going to be sitting at the bar but that didn't bother me.

"Good morning sweetie. Are you okay?" Mum asked me as i sat myself down on the sofa to decide what have for breakfast.

"I'm great" i smiled running my hand through my hair. I stood up from the sofa and made my way into the kitchen.

"Would you like a tea or coffee?" I asked Victoria as I filled the kettle up to make myself a tea.

"Coffee please Charley." Mum called back. I got two mugs from the cupboard and added coffee to mums cup and a tea bag to mine, i added milk and sugar to the cup. While the kettle boiled I popped a slice of bread into the toaster. I poured the now boiled water into the two mugs and let them bru as other toaster pops up. I buttered the toast and placed the toast in my mouth as I took the two mugs into the living room and sat at the table after giving the coffee to my mum.

"I have a bad feeling that something is going to happen today" I grumbled as I bit my toast

"Why do you think that? Are you sure your feeling alright?" Mum asked me curiously as she looked at me with a curious look on her face.

"I'm feeling fine, honestly. It's just a feeling I have in my gut. You know one of those feelings when you just can't shift it, it's one of those" I explained my feeling to her. Mum leant over to me and placed her hand on my knees.

"I'm sure it's just a feeling, if anything bad does happen then we will get through it together as a family." Mum smiled and I nodded. We both drank our drinks before we checked the time. Victoria's shift started in a hour.

"What do you want to watch?" Mum asked me and I shrugged, I wanted to watch Wentworth but I wasn't sure if mum would allow me to watch it.

"Could we watch wentworth? I've seen snippets of it and it's got a bit of bad language but I promise I won't copy what they say" I bit my lip and crossed my fingers as I hoped she would let me.

"As long as you promise you don't swear" mum warned and I grinned I hoped onto the sofa and found Wentworth. A hour later we were walking into the pub, I was telling mum about he time I buryed my dad up to his neck in the sand and when he did the same to me but he also out my hair in the sand making me look like a mermaid, it was one of my favourite memory's I had with my dad.

"But I kinda worried because after I buried dad I'm the sand the sea started rapidly coming in, I couldn't get him out, not that fast I thought I was going to hill him" I explained as I sat on a bar stool

"But you didn't. Now you be good while I'm working" mum warned and I nodded slowly. Mum got me a orange juice and got to work. That afternoon the pub started to get busy but two people caught my eyes, they looked like my aunt and uncle. I looked down at my phone as I tapped away and glanced to my left.

"Excuse me, we were wondering if you could tell us where we could find Victoria Sugden and Charlotte Woods?" I heard my name and looked up

"Vic theirs someone here to talk to you" charity's voice announced as she stuck her head into the pub kitchen. Mum walked out of the kitchen in her chef whites

"How can I help you?" Mum asked

"I'm Jane and this is my husband Kevin Woods, we believe you've adopted our niece Charlotte and we want her back." The woman I recognised spoke and I shook my head, no way was this real.

"Can we not talk about it now. I'm working. Make it tomorrow lunch time" mum said forcefully, they both agreed and I sighed heavily to myself as they left and I was left worried about what the future was going to hold for me.

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