Lee Minho 💫 Matcha Ice Cream

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❝Matcha Ice Cream❞
Fluff | 1K+
Lee Minho


You were going for a blood test today with Minho, your boyfriend. "I'm scared," you said, holding his hand tightly while waiting for your turn.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt," he said calming you down.

"Don't lie to me! It made me even more scared," you hit his arm pretty hard.

"Ouch, it hurts! I'm injured!" he said dramatically that made you rolled your eyes.

"Should I hit you harder then?" you asked, teasing him as you got ready to give him another hit.

"Hehehe. Should I go first then?" he asked as you nodded.

You waited for a few more minutes before the receptionist called Minho's name. "Let's go," he said standing up while holding your hand.

Both of you walked towards the room where the nurse will take your blood. "Hello there! Lee Minho right?" he asked.

"Yes sir," Minho answered sitting on a chair with the nurse beside him.

"Okay, I'll begin now," the nurse said again.

You avoid looking at Minho's blood being taken as he looked at you with a smile. "Trust me y/n. It doesn't hurt. It'll only hurt a bit," he said.

"Still, I'm scared," you answered.

"Alright, I'm finished. It doesn't hurt right Minho?" the nurse said asking Minho's opinion.

"No, it doesn't sir. Come on y/n it's your turn," he said standing up and told you to sit on the chair.

You sit on the chair full of worry looking at the nurse preparing his supplies. "Hold my hand and grab it tightly if it hurts," he said letting you hold his hand.

"Ms. y/n trust your boyfriend. He won't let you get hurt okay? I'll begin now," you avoid looking at your arm where the needle is and looked at Minho's calming eyes.

You felt a bit hurt as you grabbed Minho's hand unconsciously. Minho stroked your hand softly that made you relaxed a bit.

"I'm done here! Well done miss,"


"Since you passed your blood taking session, I'll be cooking tonight!" Minho said, swinging your arm.

"Yes finally!" you cheered. Minho's cooking is the best for you.

"What do you want?" he asked as you both walked towards a convenient store near your house.

"Hm, tteokbokki!! With your tomato fried rice!!" you said in excitement.

"Just that? Okay then," he answered started to swing your arm again. Both of you looked for some ingredients to cook.

"Hey Minho," you called him as you were in the middle of looking through the racks.

"Yeah?" he answered while reading the ingredients on his phone.

"Can I have some ice cream? Please," you asked him with your puppy eyes that you know he couldn't resist.

He looked at you as he smiled. "Use your own money," he said.

"I left my wallet at my house, can you buy it please?" you asked him again.

"What would you do if I don't want to?"

"Forget the dinner then, I'm going home," you said sadly while walking away.

Before you could walk any further he pulls you into a tight hug. "Hey! What if anyone sees us?" you asked in worry while trying to release the hug.

"No one's in this hall which means no one would see us except the ghosts maybe hehe," you hit his shoulder and again he made that dramatic scene where he said that you hurt him and he's injured.

You just rolled your eyes, still trying to release the hug. "Okay, okay, I'll buy you ice cream," he said finally.

After getting some more ingredients, both of you went to the ice cream section. "Pick one," he said opening the fridge.

"Argh, they all looked so tasty, I can't choose!" you said.

"I'll get the matcha one," he said taking out a matcha ice cream cup.

You thought for a while before making a final decision. "I'll take the matcha too then," you said taking out the same cup of ice cream as Minho.


"You know what matcha ice cream reminds me of?" he asked when both of you walked out of the store.

"Our first meeting?" you asked as Minho nodded.

It was around ten years ago when both of you were still kids.

You went to a convenience store near your house to buy your favorite ice cream at that time, matcha ice cream. You looked at the fridge in distance and you saw the last cup of matcha ice cream there. You ran to take it but it seemed like someone was faster than you.

You lost hope and started to cry. The person who took the ice cream looked behind him and saw you crying over the ice cream.

"Hey pretty girl, here's your ice cream," he said handing you the ice cream.

"Eh? Are you sure?" you asked him while trying to stop crying.

"Yeah, I could buy another flavor anyway," he said with the most beautiful smile you ever saw.

You wiped your tears while taking the ice cream he gave you. "Thank you," you said shyly.

"No problem, by the way, I'm Minho," he introduced himself.

"I'm y/n," you answered.

Back to nowadays, Minho brought you back from your flashback, "Thinking of it, I used to eat lots of flavors while you used to eat just the matcha ones and now, it seems like it has switched," he said.

"A lot of things changed as we grew up you know. By the way, did you mean it when you called me pretty girl?" you asked him.

"Yeah, when you're crying," he answered playfully. You showed him your flat face while getting ready to smack him. "Hey! Hey! I'm serious! You were crying when I first saw you. But after you stop, you look even more beautiful, especially when you're smiling," he said putting his arm around your shoulder.

You looked down shyly and smiling widely. You liked his simple but honest words.

"We should thank whoever made that ice cream though. Because of it, we get to meet," you said looking at him.

He looked back at you and smiled, "Of course. Without it, I don't think I'll ever meet this pretty girl beside me," he said that once again made you smile.




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