Han Jisung 💫 Shield

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Fluff | 1K+
Han Jisung


You opened the door of your apartment harshly before slamming it back. Jisung—your squirrel-like boyfriend—switched his gaze from the TV to look at you. You walked deeper into the unit before throwing your body on the couch beside the boy.

"What's wrong?" he asked looking at you while you looked up the ceiling, trying to clear your mind.

"My economic teacher gave us a project for next week's break," you said, letting out a heavy sigh.

"And?" he asked as he felt you weren't finished yet.

You straightened your body, avoiding his gaze as you took a deep breath, "I'm sorry I haven't told you this but, there's this guy at school who always made physical contacts with me that made me uncomfortable. It's kinda creepy," you explained peeking from the side to see if he was angry.

Yet, you were wrong. He nodded and smiled. "I know," he said.

"Wait, what?"

"I said I know. I know you were hiding something from me and I know that lately you've become uncomfortable and didn't have the intention to go to school while you usually felt excited about it," he explained while stroking your hair softly.

"I'm sorry for hiding it. I was just. embarrassed," you said.

"It's okay," he said, pulling you for a warm hug.

"But still, what should I do now?" you asked after you broke the hug.

"Did he know that you got me? That you're mine?" he asked and you nodded while chuckling. "Let me take care of the rest then. Go to bed now, it's late and you need to go to school tomorrow," he said while you nodded.

He gave you a light kiss on your forehead before you stood up and went into your room to get some sleep. Jisung was your best friend before both of you found out that you love each other more than best friends and decided to date. You've known each other since kindergarten and he was two years older than you.

Both of your parents went abroad a lot so you decided to buy an apartment near your school and his college to live together. As you think about the past, you feel asleep.


"Y/n," he called you softly. "WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!!" he shouted while jumping up and down your bed.

"Yak! You're older than me but still waking someone else up like a kid," you groaned, pulling your blanket up until it covers your face.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asked pulling your blanket off the bed. "You're gonna be late, let's go!"

"Why are you so excited?" you asked, sitting yourself up.

"Because, I'll let this guy who made my cute bunny girlfriend uncomfortable know that you're mine so he'll stop bothering you," he said while preparing your uniform.

"How can you be sure that he'll stop?" you asked.

"Oh, I'm just sure. Now hurry up,"


"Which one is he?" Jisung asked as you got closer to your school.

"I'll tell you when he arrives," you said, locking your hands together that made some of your female friends winked at you while you shoo them off.

"You're popular here," Jisung said.

"Not really. I'm just known because I'm nice to everyone," you explained swinging your arms.

"I'm proud of you then," Jisung said when at the same time, a motorcycle stopped in front of the both of you.

You sent Jisung a code before the rider took his helmet off. He greeted you in the most disgusting way you ever thought. Then he realized that you were holding hands with Jisung. He slowly got his head up and when his eyes met Jisung's you could see that he got startled.

"E-Eh, Jisung sunbae*. H-how are you? I haven't seen you in a while," he stuttered but still trying to look cool in front of you.

"Well, I'm fine Hojung. I'm just walking my girl to school," Jisung said calmly.

"Y/n's your girlfriend?" Hojung asked looking at both of you.

"Yes, in fact, yesterday she just told me that someone has been bothering her lately that made her uncomfortable. I wonder who could that be. I could really beat him up when I meet him. Oh, how much I hate it when someone bothers what's mine. You know what'll happen if someone really does right?" Jisung said that made your heart beats faster knowing that he would protect you no matter what. His sentence not only brought you a little bit of peace for your mind but also a question.

"Ah, I see, I better get going sunbae. One of the teachers wants to meet me before the school starts, bye," he said, waddling away with his big motorcycle that was actually pretty funny sight.

Both of you chuckled before he pulls you into a hug. "Thanks," you said.

"It's my job," he answered.

"But, what do you mean 'You know what'll happen if someone really does right'?" you asked, looking at his eyes.

"You know that I used to go underground rapping with the boys on senior days that made you put on a speech every time I got home,"

"Yeah?" you lifted one of your eyebrows.

"We kinda... beat people too," he said wrinkling his face in fear but still hugging you.

There was a bit of silence for around 30 seconds before, "YOU WHAT??!!"



"How come I never know?"

"You never asked me and I thought it's obvious," he answered slurping his drink cutely.

School was over and now both of you were sitting in a nice warm café near your apartment.

"And that's why other boys are afraid of all nine of you?"

He nodded.

"And that's also why no boys dare to go near me?"

He nodded again, "I don't want it anyway, you're mine and mine only," he said pouting his mouth cutely.

You scrambled your hair in frustration. "How can a cutie like you scare those peeps," you mumbled but you were sure that he could hear it.

He showed you his charming smile and laughed. "The important thing is now you don't have to worry about anything else anymore, you got me,"

You nodded, "I still can't believe it though," you said in low voice then you shook your head leaving Jisung laughing at your desperate face.




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