Yang Jeongin 💫 What's Lost Has Found

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❝What's Lost Has Found❞
Fluff | 2.5K+
Yang Jeongin


You were tapping your feet nervously on your room's wooden floor when your mom walked in. You shot your head up to see her worried face. She walked in and sat beside you on your bed.

"Is there something wrong?" she asked as she took your hands in hers, "You kept tapping your feet and I could clearly hear it from downstairs. What's wrong?"

You looked into her eyes as you let out a heavy sigh, "Jeongin hasn't answered my texts since yesterday. I'm worried about him, it never happened before. My mind kept telling me that it's gonna be alright and maybe he's just busy with his studies but my heart can't seem to be in ease,"

Jeongin, Yang Jeongin, your boyfriend for six years. You both started dating when you were back in high school. You started off as strangers and met by a group project. You became friends until one of you fell for the other a few months after the meeting. You gave it a thought and finally took the shot. You both were considered as one of the couple goals of your school during that time. You spent so many times together.

But then, everything must come to an end. High school ended and Jeongin got the chance to study abroad. He didn't want to go and leave you at first but you didn't want to be the reason why he lost such a huge opportunity. You convinced him to go and that you would be fine. You said that it wasn't just for his future but also, for your future family. He eventually agreed to leave with a few conditions; to text and call each other, to trust him, and to wait for him.

Since the day he left, he never missed a single day not to text you even if it was just a single 'hello' or 'hi'. That was why you were so worried about him. Questions started filling in your mind from dawn to dusk.

Is he okay? Where is he now? Has he eaten yet? What is he doing? Is there something wrong? Is he having a problem?

Your mom pulled you into a hug as tears started falling through your cheeks. She formed a small smile as she realized how worried you were towards your boyfriend.

"He'll be okay, I'm sure of that," your mom said before kissing the top of your head.

You wiped your tears on her shirt that made her groan as you giggled, "Thanks mom," you said as you hugged her tighter.

"For lending my shirt to wipe that tears of yours? Yeah, you are very welcome," said your mom sarcastically. "Let's go make dinner before your father and brother gets home shall we?" she said as you let out a whine.

"Do I have to?" you asked that made your mom shot you with a glare.

"You're learning how to cook and that is a must. I'm not leaving my sweet Jeongin to starve just because you can't make a simple meal," she said as you rolled your eyes before giving up.


Fortunately, the dinner went smoothly. Your mom even praised the food you made, with huge help from her to be precise. You excused yourself after washing the dishes and walked into your room. You got changed into your PJs before brushing your teeth and washing your face. You hopped on your bed as another sigh left your mouth.

You heard your front gate opened so you decided to give it a check. You saw your mom beside it with your dad walking towards her. They were talking about something before your dad landing a kiss on your mom's cheek. You watched as he made his way into the car and drove away before your mom closed the gate back.

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