Lee Felix 💫 Need You

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❝Need You❞
Fluff | 2.2K+
Lee Felix


You walked towards the dancing room you've been going for the past eight months. Once you got in, you were greeted by loud music and a boy dancing in the middle of the room, eyes fixed on the mirror in front of him.

"Felix!" you called as you put your bag down, beside Felix's.

"Y/n! You're here," he answered as he turned around to face you while keep dancing.

You showed the boy a smile before walking towards him. You started moving your body, following the beat. It was a song you both been practicing for the past few days.

You finished it well as you breathed heavily. You showed Felix a satisfied smile and he smiled back with a nod.

"You're getting good. I'm proud," he said that made you chuckled.

"Felix," you called.

He hummed in response while looking through his timeline on the phone.

"Have you ever thought about it. I don't know, giving up?" you asked.

Felix stopped on what he was doing and turned his face to look at you, feeling confused by your sudden question.

"Depends," he answered. "Is there something bothering you?"

You shook your head while looking at your reflection on the mirror.

You lied.

There was something wrong. It wasn't that you didn't want the boy to know. The problem was, the thing that has been bothering you for the past few days was actually one of the last things you thought would happen.

"I know there's something," he said while looking at you intensely. "You don't have to tell me now, I can wait until you're ready. Just remember that you got me okay?" he said as he showed you his smile.

One of the smiles that never fail to make your day a bit better.


"I think that's enough for today," Felix said as both of you sat down on the dance floor. "Let me walk you home,"

"I need to go somewhere first," you answered while grabbing your bag.

"Where? I'll take you there," he said.

"To the book store. You do know that I'm collecting Sherlock Holmes right?"

He nodded as a response before smiling. "You're going for another one I guess," he said as he grabbed his bag and walked outside the dance room.

You followed behind him while checking your phone. You kept refreshing one page where you thought you saw it wrong. While scrolling your phone down, you hit Felix's back that made him turn around. You quickly turned off your phone before he could see it.

"Are you hiding something?" he asked bluntly.

You just showed him your wide smile. "It's nothing, really," you said while continue walking.

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