Han Jisung 💫 Her Brother

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❝Her Brother❞
Fluff | 1.9K+
Han Jisung


You sat in the living room, thinking about something. In front of you lied an invitation to the last place you ever wanted to come. You were too focused looking at it until you didn't realize your brother's presence. He was sitting right beside you, looking at it the same way.

"What are we looking at?" Changbin asked that made you startled.

"How long have you been there?" you asked.

"Around five minutes maybe. Now tell me, why are we looking at it?" he asked again.

You rolled your eyes as you started explaining, "It's almost the end of the year again," you said.

He looked at you clueless that made you rolled your eyes for the second time. "So what?" he asked.

"Ugh, prom's coming," you said.


"I don't have a date since you never let me date anyone," you said as you crossed your arms, facing him. "Look, I want a boyfriend, I need a boyfriend. If I don't get a boyfriend by next week, I can't go to the prom alone,"

"Then you just have to stay home like last time," he answered as he crossed his arms too.

"Well, that's unfair. You got to go to prom while I didn't. It's my last year in high school, can I just, please get a date go to prom once?" you begged.

As you expected, he said no. You groaned and stomped your way towards your room. You got in and threw yourself on your bed before punching all the pillows around you. You stopped as you felt tired and sighed.

Changbin wasn't a bad brother. He was just overprotective since your parents passed away because of an accident a few years ago. Since then, you became his responsibility and his only place to go home. He was also the only one you could rely on.

He doesn't want you to go with the wrong guy. That was why he hadn't allowed you to date yet since he thought you were still immature. He would always drop you at school and pick you up at home. He even sometimes join you every time you hung out with your friends.

Knock... knock...

"Y/n, may I come in?" you heard your brother called you.

You stayed silent, not wanting to talk to your brother. Oh well, your brother never agreed with you. He walked into your room before sitting on the edge of your bed.

"Hey," he called while shaking your shoulders. "Still mad at me huh?"

You kept quiet, waiting for his next words.

"Fine, I'll let you date, just this once," he said.

You secretly smiled from ear to ear but kept quiet, feeling as if he hadn't finished his words yet.

"But, you asked me to get you a boyfriend. So I'll be choosing you, boy," he said.

You sat up finally facing him while giving him a pout. "I'm not dating a nerd okay?" you said.

"Who said he's a nerd? He's a friend of mine that has been keeping an eye on you for quite a while. Just give him a shot okay?" he said.

You crossed your arms, "Give me his name,"

"It'll be no fun if I gave you his name, you can search him on social media then. Oh, and you should be grateful that I got you a date. No one asked you to go to prom right?" he said while wiggling his eyebrows.

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