Lee Felix 💫 Meeting You

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Meeting You
Fluff | 900+
Lee Felix


You just broke up with your boyfriend this afternoon since he was being a jerk to you and cheated. You always got the feeling that he had been acting weird lately but you never really thought about it.

"He said that I didn't care about him and always went out with other guys. He also said that I wouldn't understand him. That's the reason why he cheated," you said, wiping your tears on your mom's shirt.

"First of all, stop wiping your tears on my shirt. You're making it wet and I still have to go back to work,"

Yup! You called your mom, saying that you really need her. She rushed home after she heard your shaking voice. You always told your mom all your problems and she would give you lots of good advice.

"You left him right?" asked your mom while stroking your hair softly.

"Yeah. Why would I stay with him anyway?" you said, sniffing your nose.

"Good. That jerk doesn't deserve my princess,"

You chuckled. Your mom took a small piece of folded paper from her bag and give it to you.

"What's this?" you asked lifting it up.

"To be honest, I knew that you'll break up with him soon. I met this cute nice young gentleman a few days ago at the cafe we used to hang out. I left my wallet on the cashier and he was waiting behind me. He called me as soon as I left and gave it back to me. We had a small chat while I wait for my client. He's just a year older than you and is a dancer.

I told him a lot about you since you really want to learn how to dance, right? That jerk was the one who kept you from reaching your dream. I asked him if he could help you and he can. He left me his phone number and also asked me if I wanted a ride home. I told him I still have to wait for my client and he waited with me. He asked a few things about me like have I eaten anything before or did I feel cold since it's December and more. From that I know that he's a real gentleman, always putting others first and also care to them.

I want you to meet him and I actually hope you could hook up with him. I really like his personality and I really want your future husband to have it. So, will you?"

You opened the folded paper and looked at the name with the numbers below it, "Lee Felix, okay mom, I'll give him a call," you said as you got interested.

"Okay then. What time is it dear?" she asked.

You checked your phone and showed it to her. "Goodness! I'm late for my meeting! I'll get going then, I'll see you later honey! Bye!" she said rushing out after giving you a kiss on your forehead.

You chuckled before going upstairs to your room and hopped on your bed. You starred at the small paper your mom gave you. You thought for a while before reaching your phone to contact the number through WhatsApp.

You :
Hello? Am I contacting Lee Felix? (15:36)

You decided to take a shower while waiting for him to reply. Your mind started to roam about what he's like and how will he reply to your message.


You finished showering in a matter of minutes and checked your phone to see if he replied.

Lee Felix :
Hello, yes you are. Who's this? (15:42)
Oh wait, (15:42)
I know (15:43)

You're Ms. Ahn's daughter, right? (15:43)

You :
Correct! (15:44)
My mom told me about you and said that I should give you a call (15:44)

Lee Felix :
Well, we're texting now (15:44)
Wanna have a call? (15:45)

You :
Sure, (15:45)
I'll call you (15:45)

You dialed his number and a few seconds later he answered. You heard a deep voice saying, "Hello?"

"Hi! Uhm, it's nice to talk to you," you said trying to start a convo.

"Hehehe. Yeah you too," he said. "Your mom told me that you've always wanted to learn how to dance. Well, I'm a dancer, I could tutor you if you want," he said.

You didn't know why but you smiled happily. "Thanks for that. If I may ask, where do you live?" you asked.

"I live near the cafe where I met your mom, you live around here too right?"

You smiled, "Yeah, wanna meet up?"

"Well, are you free now?" he asked.

"Now? Sure, meet me at the park where there's a big fountain?"

"Be there in 5," he said in a happy tone.

You chuckled, "Okay,"


There you were, arriving at the park which only took you 4 minutes of walk. You never met a stranger you just know online before but at least your mom had met him before.

You dialed him again as you heard a phone ringing. The sound came from a guy who was sitting on the bench across you, besides the fountain. He couldn't see you since he got his back facing you but you could still hear his deep voice.

"Hello?" he greeted.

"Felix?" you answered a bit loud so he could hear you.

It worked! The guy looked at you as you called his name with a bright smile on his face. He ended the call and told you to take a seat.

"I finally get to see you. You're even prettier in real life whoa," he said while you chuckled.

You knew that your mom must have shown him your picture. "You're good looking yourself," you answered.




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