Yang Jeongin 💫 Child of the Sun

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Child of the Sun❞
Fluff | 2.3K+
Yang Jeongin


You got into your classroom at the end of the corridor. Since it was way early in the morning, you were the only one there. You walked towards the back of the class where your seat was. Being the rebellious but smart student you were you got yourself a seat at the back.

You put both of your hands on the table, forming a cross before laying your head on it. You closed your eyes as you tried to fell asleep again.

Without you realizing it, a boy entered your class excitingly—not forgetting the huge smile forming on his face. He walked towards the back of the class to sit right in front of you.

He looked at you with his large cute smile, observing you and found out that you fell into a deep sleep. The boy watched you sleep as the class filled up with your other classmates. Some even looked at the boy and thought he was a creep for looking at your sleeping self that intensely.

The bell rang, giving all the students a sign that class has started. The boy decided to wake you up before the teacher arrive.

"Hello? Wake up, please. The teachers gonna be here any minute," said the boy while shaking your shoulder.

You opened your eyes and took off your earphones. You stretched your arm around, producing some cracking sounds. Once you finished, your eyes finally landed at the unfamiliar boy who woke you up.

"Thanks," you said shortly before checking your phone.

You could hear a little 'your welcome' from the boy. You chose not to care about it that much, you got your eyes fixed on your phone as you felt the boy's eyes still fixed on you.

You looked up before lifting one of your eyebrows. The boy stayed silent for a while, still with his smile.

"I'm Jeongin, Yang Jeongin. I'm new here," he stretched out one of his hands.

You didn't accept his hand and only nodded before looking at your phone again. Yet, you got disturbed again by the boy.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Y/n," you answered shortly. You saw him nodding his head with his smile on while trying to look away.

"I hope we can be friends," he said then turned around to face the front.


"Alright class, before you go home, I'm gonna give you a group project,"

You groaned as your teacher started explaining the project. You hated it when it comes to group projects. First, you had to socialize which contains a lot of unimportant conversation and chatter which you didn't like. Second, it would end up you doing the work alone.

"I hope we'll be on the same group," whispered Jeongin.

That boy, he had been trying to have several conversations with you. On the other side, you being the typical anti-social and careless self kept seeing him as a disturbance.

"Hyunjin with Seungmin, Junkyu with Mashiho, and finally Jeongin with (y/n). Now what I want you to do is make a presentation about a writer from the old. It could be from anywhere but only around the 19th and 20th centuries. They can be a writer of fiction, fantasy, science, short stories, poems, anything. It's due in two weeks ahead so take your time and I want you to be ready by then. You may dismiss," your literature teacher said.

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