Bang Chan 💫 That Boss

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❝That Boss❞
Fluff | 2.3K+
Bang Chan


You rolled your body on your bed while thinking of a way out. Well, you just got yourself unemployed earlier that day.

You were his secretary and he told you to get him a cup of americano from the café across the building where you worked. When you got back with his coffee, he told you that you were two minutes late. He threw the americano away right after you gave it to him. He also said that you were slow-witted and an incompetent fool. Of course, you being you couldn't accept his judgment on you. You slammed your boss' desk and said that you quitted, boldly. Because of that, kind of cool thing you did, you got yourself unemployed.

"Y/n, lunch's ready," said your mom from outside of your room.

You kicked your blanket off your bed before getting up. You dragged your leg outside your room and went downstairs. When you reached the last step, you saw your mom preparing lunch.

You walked towards her and snaked your arm around her waist from behind, "I'm sorry mom," you mumbled.

Your mom stopped on what she was doing and sighed, "It's not your fault. I would've done the same if I were you," she said with her calming voice as she patted your head softly. "Oh and, you made our family looked like a poor one," she said that made you chuckled.

Well, your family owns one of the best furniture company in your country. They started from nothing and became really big.

Inspired by your parents, you decided to start your job from zero. You studied hard during college and joined many organizations. You also worked part-time in a cafe near your house. When you graduated, you got a position in a textile company with your rude boss.

"When is dad coming home?" you asked after you finished the dinner.

You were wiping your mouth with a napkin when your mom answered, "He'll arrive at 9. I'm gonna pick him up later. Wanna come with me?" she asked.

"And be a third-wheeler? No thanks," you said.

Your mom chuckled, "Well, if you can't find a job, at least get a husband okay? You're getting older and so do I. I want some grandchildren,"

You rolled your eyes as your mom giggled, "I'm going out with Jihae," you said as you went upstairs towards your bedroom.

"Okay, don't be late home," yelled your mom from the kitchen.


Ji Hey

Ji Hey :
I'll be there in a few minutes.
Get ready!

You :

Ji Hey :
Oh! And I brought you a date~

You :

Ji Hey :
You'll meet him soon~

You :
Okay, okay,
Be careful

Ji Hey :
Yes mom~

You turned your phone off before heading towards your parent's office where your mom was.

"Mom, do you want me to get anything while I'm gone?" you asked her from the door.

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