Chapter 1 - First Sight

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James P.O.V.

We had just finished recording the next episode of BTR, so me and the boys went to Starbucks for a coffee. We were just messing around, when Carlos said 'guys, you remember how I said I had a british friend?'

'Yeah, you never stop calling her' Kendall said, punching his arm.

'Well, she's here in America! In LA to be exact, and I told her just there to come meet us here, that okay?'

'Yeah, sure' Logan said.

'So long as she likes football!' I joked, as that was what he had been talking about.

'Yeah, she's really into sports' he said, not realising that I was joking. He was nervous.

'Mate relax, it'll be fine!'

'I'm only worried because I know what you guys are like. You aren't allowed to break her heart, okay?'

'Okay mate, we wont' Kendall said.

'Yeah, scouts honour' Logan said.

'Yeah, I promise'

After that we waited and messed around, Carlos jumping everytime her heard the door. He didn't expect her to come from the back of the place. None of us noticed her until she wrapped her hands around Carlos' eyes and said in a terrible American accent 'hey there, guess who?' Carlos pulled her hands away, jumped up, and pulled her into a massive bearhug.

'Louise!' he shouted, 'I've missed you!'

'I missed you too Carlitos!' she laughed, as he lat her go. She finally turned around and looked at us then. Wow, she was amazing. Tanned, curvy, and beautiful. Her eyes were so, different. Green around the outside, and blue in the middle. Wow, I thought, as I felt myself loosing any train of thought in her eyes. She was smiling, showning her dazzling teeth. She had an amazing accent, which only made me  defensless against her. Her hair was a mix between red and brown, and I didn't realise I was staring until Kendall coughed and elbowed me.

'Hey guys, this is Louise. Louise, this is Kendall, Logan and James' As Carlos called us out, we said hi and waved. I smiled at her, which made her blush. Wow, she was even prettier when she blushed.

'Hi guys, nice to finally meet you! Carlos is always telling me how awesome you guys are, and how much fun he's having! I can't wait to get to know you's better!' she said in her cute accent.

'Were are you from Louise?' Kendall asked, as I couldn't really speak.

'I'm from Manchester, but I just moved here with my friend!'

'Really? Since when?' Carlos said.

'Well, since abotu a week ago. I wanted it to be a surprise, but I just, well, you know how bad I am at keeping secrets!' she said, laughing. Oh my god, what a laugh. She is so sweet.

'Hey, James, I hear you have a dog?'

'Yyyyeeah, I do. His name is Fox' I say, wondering how I managed to speak. Get a grip of yourself Maslow.

'Oh, can I meet him sometime?'

'Sure. He's at the studio if you want to come up'

'Wow, I'd love too! Do you guys mind if I phone Jess my flatmate and tell her where I am?'

'Sure thing. We'll be here' Logan said, smiling at her.She walked away, and as soon as she was out of earshot Logan and Kendall started on me.

'OHHH, James likes Louise!'

'Quit guys, I'm not going to make any moves. Not until I know her better. So don't tell ger anything, got it?'

'Okay James, we wont' I didn't trust them.

'Hey guys, sorry about that! Well, I'm really happy to be here! I think this is going to be fun!' she said enthusiastically. I couldn't help but smile and agree.

After a while, Carlos asked her 'so, what made you move here?'

'I'll tell you later, when we aren't in a public place'


'Hey Louise, after we pick up Fox, what do you want to do?' I asked, as things had gotten tense all of a sudden.

'Call me Lou, and you guys want to come over to my place?'

'Yeah sure'

'Sounds good'



Will I EVER get used to those accents?'

'No, probably not' Kendall said.

'I remember watching an interview of yours, and how you said that britsh accents turn guys to jelly, but do you know what an American accent does to british girls?'

'No. What?'

'Turns THEM to jelly. They just sit there. mesmerised'

'You seem to be faring alright!' Logan said.

'That's beause my Dad's american. That's how I know Carlos. We're cousins see'

'Oh, that explains a lot of stuff' Kendall said.

'Like what?' Carlos said.

'Why you have the same nose, and share a last name'

'Oh yeah, I suppose that is something' she said. She looked at me and said 'James, are you okay? You're awfully quiet'

'Oh I'm fine, I'm just not coping very well with your accent'

'Oh. Want to go get Fox now?'

'Yeah sure, want to drive with us?'

'Sure, I walked, so I hope you have room!'

'We tooke two cars down' Carlos said.

'Is that why?' Kendall asked, as he had asked about it when we lefted.


'Okay, lets go. Lou, you can go with James and Carlos. Me and Kendall will see you there'

'Kay, give me a hug before you go!' she said. She walked over and hugged them as if she'd known them her whole life.

Louise's P.O.V.

'We'll see you there!' Kendall said, as he closed the car door behind me. These boys are really sweet! Carlos didn't give them enough credit. James is really cute, though he is very quiet. I wish I knew why, because he seems really interesting. Carlos said I would get on with him best, because we have so much in common, but I haven't really spoke to him. Kendall and Logan are really talkative though, and they seem to like me, so things are pretty good. I'll have to tell them why I moved here, but not yet. In a bit. First I want to meet this beautiful dog Fox that I've heard so much about. We got in the car and James put in a cd. The first song was 'If I Had Eyes' by Jack Johnson, which one of my favourite songs ever. I also love Jack Johnson. I squealed in the back seat, only for Carlos to chuckle.

'You like this?' James asked, sounding worried.

'Its only like my favourite song of Jack Johnsons! I also love Jack Johnson, so yes!' I said, jumping in the seat with joy. I could see James smile in the mirror, as he said 'I love him too'

Wow, maybe Carlos is right. Maybe me and James will get along fine. I looked in the mirror to find him staring at me. Our eyes locked, and I couldn't looka away. It was like in Starbucks when I first saw him. His eyes had me in a hold, and I couldn't escape. Not that I wanted to. Wow, I've never seen such captivating eyes before. He looked away smiling, and I blushed and looked out the window.

I had a feeling that my time here in LA was going to be something else alright. Just what though? And why do I get insane butterflies in my stomach everytime James looks at me, and why do I have the mad urge to grab him, kiss him and never let go? 

Ugh, why is life so complicated?

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