This Is It

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  • Dedicated to CJ

A/N: So here is the 29th chapter, so there is only 1 more chapter left! GAH. I am going to do an epilogue, but after that this story is OVER PEOPLE.

I swear writing this I was close to tears, just thinking about saying goodbye to this story, as its been my baby. My little sister is reading this, so yeah.

Logan - CJ, stop reading this.

James - YEAH CJ.

If you're wondering, my sisters name is CJ (Catrina Jade)

Carlos - She'll brak the laptop if she keeps trying to delete her name.


That's my nickname for her. That and Blondie, but I get punched when I call her that now.

I think its suits her.


Okay, imma go before she kills me.

Henderwhore Out <3

Jack's P.O.V

Right, so I've just found out that they've changed the order of who is to be the first witness. And apparently I won.

I think I drew the short straw if I'm honest.

Anyway, better get ready to tell them all.

Wow, this is going to be hard.

How do you denounce your best friend, and show your sister who you really are, and not land in jail?

Well, lets hope my way works.

"Calling Jack Housten to the stand"

I stood up, and looked over at the benches to find James, Kendall and Kevin staring at me with huge eyes. I guess the shock is expected.

Well, this is it.

Time to tell the world how I destroyed and betrayed my sister.


Damien's P.O.V

"Calling Jack Housten to the stand"

Oh shit.


I thought I dealt with him.

Well, this should be interesting. 

Lets see how much of the truth he actually tells. 

Lets see if he mentions her. See how everyone will react when they find out why he did what he did to his precious sister.

"Do you swear to tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God?"

"I do" he stated, looking straight at me.


The prosecution stood up, and walked over to him.

"Now, Mr. Housten, could you please tell us the events of the day when the accused kidnapped Mr, Maslow and your sister Ms. Housten"

"Sure. Well, Damien said that he had a plan for getting Louise back, because he thought she had ran away from him on ehr own, not knowing that I'd told Jess to get her to tell her everything, and to get her out of England. When I found out that he'd found her, I made a plan. I was going to try and get rid of him, and save my sister, but no one told me that he had them in the warehouse. As soon as I got there, he had my sister and James at gunpoint, and was making her choose between saving his life while risking hers, or getting them both killed. When she started to walk towards him, I did the first thing I could think of and shot him, but apparantly I didn't kill him. After that, I was arrested"

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