Let Me Love You

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A/N: So before we begin, I would like to clear up something.

Jess, Delilah and Damien are siblings. Mimi and Lou are siblings. Stacey is Lou and Mimi's cousin. Angie is an old friend of Jess's, who Lou and Jess set up with Logan.

That's done. Okay, so the title of this chapter stems from the Mario song, which was written by Neyo (I know right?)

It tells us Mimi's story, and were she's been for the last two years.YAY.

Dustin: Dude, am I in this?


Dustin: Cool

Kendall: Just another short chapter

Me: Kendall that's my part.

Kendall :Sorry.

How do they keep doing that!?

Henderwhore Out <3

Mimi's P.O.V

"Babe, how did Damien managed to get you?"

I sighed, dreading this. I knew I had to tell him.

"Well, I was just walking out of the Starbucks on the pier, when I saw him run past me. I shouted out his name, and when he turned around, a look of joy spread across his face....



"Yep" I said, popping the 'p'.

"Hey! Long time no see!" he said, before he hugged me.

"I have to go to the bank, but you want to walk with me?"

"Yeah sure"


"So he walked with me. We talked the whole time, and laughed. When we got to the bank, he made a phone call, and within minutes his goons were there and he wa muttering about how he was finally going to get Lou back. That's when I realised what was going on really and why he was so happy to see me. He used me as bait to hurt my sister"

"Aw babe, it's not your fault" Dustin said, as he pulled me in for a hug. I cried into his chest, letting the guilt and pain wash away.

"I need to tell you were I've been for the past three years, and why I can't tell Lou"

"Okay?" he said, unsure.

"Well, for the past three years I've been working as a behavioural analysist in Washington, and it was all under cover stuff. I didn't realise until afterwards that Damien was the reason I was sent here. All we knew him as was DB, but we knew he was here. As soon as this court case is done, the feds will take him back to England, to face the penalties there, and he'll spend the time he gets here and in court there all in a maximum security cell in the middle of nowhere"


"You can't tell Lou, but I needed to tell you"

"It's okay, I wont tell her, and thank you for telling me"

I just kissed him, and he soon got the message.

Off to the room we go.

HA! Okay, so I'll leave the REST of that to you....

Haha, so I wasn't going to post the next chapter till tomorrow, but I think I might, and then just work on something else :)


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