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  • Dedicated to All Of My Beautiful Rushers

A/N: I really shouldn't be allowed to drink coffee, because I'm naturally a hyper person, so adding coffee to the mix IS NOT A GOOD IDEA.

Anyway, I seem to be having some brainwaves with this story, and only this story which kind of sucks for my other stories :/

Thank you all for the great feedback so far, and for not being harsh on my REALLY BAD SPELLING. I PROMISE I CHECKED THIS CHAPTER.


Okay, as promised there shall be DRAMA in this chapter (say drama in a really high pitched voice and it'll make sense)

My butt hurts. TMI TORI!!! Lol, so ONE WITH MY DRIVEL!!

PS Dedication this chapter goes to.................ALL OF YOU!! I CAN'T DECIDE, SO I'LL PUT ALL OF YOU, AND THEN I'LL PICK NEXT CHAPTER. I THINK.

Henderwhore out!! <3

Kevin's P.O.V

We were hiding out in a Starbucks, waitng for Logan and Angie to come pick us up. We hadn't said anything to each other since we got away, but it wasn't uncomfortable.

She looked up at me and smiled.

Wow, when she's not acting like a deranged lunatic, she's actually quite cute.

'Hey thanks for trusting me back there'

'Well, it was either that or probably die' 

She laughed and I laughed too, although I'm not sure why.

'Well, at least I've seen the "error of my ways", and now after I tell the police everything, maybe Lou won't hate me so much. I don't blame Kendall and Jess for hating me, as I did try to kill them'

'No, it's okay. You're doing the right thing by coming clean' I said, as I held her hand.

How can someone this sweet have gotten herself mixed up with Damien?

'How do you know Damien?' I asked, as she looked scared anytime she mentioned him before.

'Well, you see...Damien is older brother. He pretends to be  twenty two, because he looks really young, but he's actually thirty. I didn't know he had a past with Lou and James until he busted me out of the hospital. When he told me his plan, I was all on board until I saw you outside of the hospital, and I knew I couldn't do it anymore'

'Do what anymore?'

'Kill Lou. That's what he wants to do. Kill Lou, but first kill all her friends. That's the real reason he took you, because he thought that Kendall would be there to find you like a shot, and that the boys would follow him, and then the girls would be after them. He knew the boys would try to stop Lou going, but I don't think he expected me to do this'

 'Neither did I'

She laughed again, just as Logan and Angie walked in.

'Look, I'm sorry, I know it means nothing, but if you take me to the police station, I'll be out of your hair soon' Delilah said, as they walked over to us.

'Well, at least you're sorry' Logan said, as he led the way to the car. Once we were all in, he shot off.

The car ride was silent, but that didn't bother me. The thing that bothered me was Delilah eyes when Logan walked in.

She looked like she was really sorry.

I know she is, I guess it's just going to take time to convince everyone.

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