Kevin's Big Mistake?

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A/N: So I'm still freaking out that this story is doing so well. Its beginning means so much to me, and this story is like my way of letting all my hurt out.

Okay, so thanks to Miriam (SpeedMeUpOrSLowMe) pointing it out, I accidentally changed Jess's name to Rosie. My bad. Don't worry, I'm putting it back to Jess, so no confusion.

Also, I'm trying to think of a picture for a new cover, but I don't know :/ Suggestions would be awesome.

Dedication goes to PADTfanandBTRfan14, as she is really cool You should go check out her Logan story! 

I feel like kidnap is becoming a major theme here...

Henderwhore out <3

Kevin's P.O.V

I woke up with a pounding headache, and found myself tied to a chair. I looked around, to see that I was in a warehouse, and that it was empty at the minute.

How did I get here?

All I remember is walking away from Deli-

Dammit, that bitch brought me here. Why the fuck are all the crazy ones hot? Makes absolutely no sense what so ever.

Now, to try and get out of here.

Wow this rope is tied tight.

Almost hurts.

'Well, hello Kevin, nice to see that you're awake'

That wasn't Delilah.

I looked up to see that it was him.


Fuck Delilah, what the hell have you done?

'What do you want Damien?' I asked, knowing the answer already.

'Simple. I want Louise dead. Just like Delilah did. Now all I have to do is wait until her want to put others before her own safety to kick in, and she's all mine'

I felt sick to my stomach. I had to get out of here before that happened. But how?

Wait, did he say Delilah did?

As in past tense?

'What did you mean about Delilah?'

'Well, apparently she's had a change of heart, but she is easily dealt with, as are you'

With that he walked away, leaving me to think.

What was it that Delilah screamed before I blacked out?


I turned away, knowing that this wasn't my fault. It was her and her delusional thoughts.

As I walked away, I heard her scream.



She....she didn't want them to hurt me? 

She doesn't hate me?

Why in the world does that make me feel happy?

Ugh, stupid Kevin, don't think about her. She tried to kill your brother for peats sake.

Suddenly, I heard some scuffling, and then the door opened, and in walked Delilah. She ran over to me and strted untying me.

'I know this means nothing to you, but I'm sorry. After you turned away, I realised you were right. It was all in my head, and I went to far. I'm trying to make up for what I've done, but we have to get you out of here now'

'How do I know I can trust you?'

'You don't, but I'm the only chance you've got right now'

I nodded my head and untied my left arm after she realeased my right arm, and moved to my legs.

Once I was free, we ran for the door, and away from the two unconscious guys at the door.

'C'mon, quick before he gets back'

I nodded and picked up my pace, as I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the dirt track, as I recognised this place.

What is it with this guy and the pier?

*At The Boys Place In The PalmWoods*

Kendall's P.O.V

'I can't believe that crazy bitch got my brother!' I said, frustration evident through my voice.

'I know babe, but we have to stop Lou from escaping us, because knowing her she'll go and trade herself for Kevin before we manage to think of a plan' Jess said, rubbing my arm.

She was right. Lou would be that stupid.

'I know. Thanks babe' I said, as I pulled her into my chest for a much needed and deserved hug. We were in my room, trying to calm down and think to ourselves before we joined the search for Kevin.

James and Lou were still at the station, as some new evidence had come to light or something like that. 

Carlos and Stace were walking the dogs, and giving them some tlc after the neglect they've probably been feeling these last couple of days.

Logan and Angie were in his room,a nd you could hear him pacing. Wonder what's up with him.

'Babe, why don't we try and get some sleep? I know you haven't selpt for three days, and it's not good for you' Jess said, as she pulled me down to lie beside her.

'You're right. Let's sleep'

I pulled her into my chest and held her tight.

'Night love'

'Night Kendall'

I kissed her forehead as she fell asleep, and started to fall asleep myself. I suddenly had this weird feeling that Kevin was alright.

Wonder were that came from?

Logan's P.O.V

'Right, so how are we going to go and get Delilah and Kevin without Kendall hearing us?' I asked.

That's right, they were fine. They just called me and asked me to get them and take them to the police station.

One catch: Don't tell Kendall.

'I don't know, but we have to try. You heard Kevin, he said that Damien was after them' Angie said, as she got up and grabbed her phone.

'Jess just text me saying that she's going to try and get Kendall to sleep. Now's our chance' she said.

'Right, let's go' I said, as I grabbed her hand and walked out of my room. We went out the frnt doror and ran to the car, trying to get to were they were hiding before Damine did.

Question is, how do we do that?


Okay, so another short chapter, but I'm making the next one pretty explosive so...

Oh yeah, DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING DID YOU? Delilah being nice! OMBTR, IT IS ARMAGGEDON!! Lol, no, but it was still weird to write that. So, did Kevin make a mistake trusting her? Or is she actually sorry? OR is she just leading Kevin, Angie and Logan to their doom?



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