God No

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A/N: The title probably has NOTHING to do with the chapter. My brother asked if I wanted to go hang out with his mates (who are all sport freaks who never shut up about football/soccer) and that was my reply.

It may feature (the title) in the story, I don't know.

So, I uploaded the one shot of James and Lou. Hope you like it! It was so awkward, cause the only person I could picture was Wolfie, so I was like "I'm just calling Wolfie Lou here"

I swear, Jolfie is permanently etched into my brain, so now I wont be able to write another James story unless it's about Wolfie (good new for you babe)

Bleep blap bloop. Oh look, a llama -> haha made ya look ;)

So, enough of my sillyness. 


Henderwhore Out <3

Jess's P.O.V

"Kendall, I neeed to tell you all this before the court case!"

"No, please, I don't want to see you hurting by telling me. It kills me to see you in pain!"

"Kendall, I love you. I trust you. You need to know before the court case. Just please sit down and listen!"

He continued to pace, but theh he stopped suddenly and looked at me. A look of pain crossed his face when he saw my tears.

"No, babe don't cry. Please, okay I'll listen. If it get's too much though, you stop"

I nod, as he sits down and holds my hand, entwining our fingers and rubbing comforting circles with his thumb.

"Well, when I first met Lou, I was with Damien, and I only went over to her cause he kept staring at her"


"Dude, just go talk to her!"

"No, she wont care"

"Ugh fone I will!"

"No, Jess!"

I walked away and left him there, smiling.

(After pulling Lou Over to theTable)

"And this is my brother Damien!"


"Hi, nice to meet you Louise" he said, smiling at her. 

After about an hour, I decided she was my best friend, at after we left Damien asked her out.

Everything was going great for about three years.

Well, I thought it was.


"Lou, just tell me what's wrong!" I said for the millionth time. All I had got so far was that it had to do with Damien.

"Jess, he used me. As a prostitute. A drug mule. A slut" she cried, while I sat there in shock.

He did that?

When I looked in to her eyes to see if this was just some awful joke, I saw the sincerity and truth ring out loud and clear in them.

"I believe you" I said, knowing that I did with all my heart.

Well that and Lou's a horrible liar.

After I calmed her down, I got her to pack, and we went up to Glasgow to hide, and then we moved out here a month later.


"Kendall, how could I have been so oblivious to the fact that Damien was using her like that?" I said, as he pulled me into his lap.

The sobs were out of control, and I just tried to breathe, and not fall apart.

Too late for that really.

"Sh babe, you couldn't have known!" he said, as he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight into his chest.

"She's my best friend! I should've known!" I said inbetween sobs.

"No, stop. Jess, Lou doesn't blame you. Stop blaming yourself. Lou kept it from you. So did Damien. It's not your fault, it's that monsters"

"That monster was supposed to be my brother!" I sobbed feeling guilty that I'd even introduced them.

"If I had never introduced them this would've never happened"


He pulled my head up to look at him, and he looked sad.

"If you hadn't have introduced them, you and Lou wouldn't have become friends. You wouldn't have moved out here. James wouldn't have met Lou. Logan and Angie wouldn't be together. I wouldn't have you in my arms right now" he said, kissing my nose.

I sniffed, and then thought about it.

Damn he's right. 

"Okay, so you have a point"

He smiled, knowing that his plan of cheering me up was working.

"I love you Kendall"

"I love you too Jess"

I kissed him, and then cuddled back into his chest. He chuckled and lay down, so we could sleep.

Ha! I'm not happy with this chapter, but I had to post. Okay, so it's short, but the next one is Mimi's side, then it's the court case! Well, the plan for the court case is to split it into three chapters. Another thing, after thinking about it, Matt convinced me that the police would more likely make the girls record intervies, so they aren't anywere near the court room, or Damien.

I agree with him, so yeah. I still have a surprise up my sleeve for the court case, which even though it doesn't have the girls or BTR, will be DRAMA TASTIC.


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