Chapter 13 - Kendall's In Trouble

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A/N: Haha, so this chapter is just me trying to clear my conscience for not updating. I'm afraid once I start college that the uploads will be either very short or it'll take forever to upload :P. Sorry. Oh, this time, I'm dedicating to another friend, who wont give me her email, but this goes to the inspiration behind the story Ruth. Thanks for leading an incredibly dramatic life.

xD Lol, hope you enjoy this upload! PS. The character Randall is made up. Ranel is in the story too, but Randall is like security or something :P


Kendall's P.O.V

I didn't want to tell them, but I guess I'll have to tell the boys at least, but I'll wait until the girls fall asleep.

Ranel is briefing management on whats going on, and Randall has placed security outside the room.

A lot of trouble over this deluded moron.

I still can't believe her nerve!

*After the Accident, But still at the Scene*

I looked over and saw that Jess was unconscious, but breathing. Her pulse was okay. I guess she was just knocked out. I pulled out my phone and called an ambulance.

I got out of the car to see if the other car was alright, but I found the driver on the ground, crawling over to me.

I ran over to she if she was alright, until I recognised her.


'Delilah!? What the hell happened?'

'Well, that little bitch who stole my James is going to pay, and by killing her best friend, I'm getting close'

'What the hell? You and James broke up two years ago, why start this now?'

'He is mine'

I just walked away, and left her o the pavement.

'Oh and Kendall?'


'Your next on my list'

And with that she blacked out.

*Back to Present Moment in Hospital*

What did she mean, I'm next?

'Dude, whats wrong?' James whispered, as Lou had fallen asleep on him about two hours ago.

'Oh, I was just thinking of the accident' I whispered back, realising everyone but me and James was asleep.

'What about it?'

'Well, Delilah said that she was getting revenge for Lou stealing you, and that by killing her best friend she was almost there'

'Woah. Dud, she's crazy'

'That's not everything'

'Really? What else she say'

'That I'm next'

'Woah. Dude, don't worry, she can't get to you through Randall. I don't think anyone but the nurse and doc are allowed in here'

'Kay, thanks James'

'No problemo buddy, but you should get some sleep'

'Sure, night man'


With that I went to sleep, forgetting about the crazy lunatic.

When I woke up, James and the guys were whispering to Randall.

'Hey, whats up?'

'Dude, you better see this' Carlos said, and handed me a letter.


You remember that little girl on your block who really liked you, but you said you would never date in a million years? Well, that was me, and James was my way of making you jealous. Now they'll all die because you couldn't see past the exterior to know me.

Bye Kenny 


'She has the wrong brother'

'What!?' James said, looking at me in shock.

'I didn't say anything!' I said.

'No, I did'

Kevin walked through the door, and passed me a picture.

'Delilah, aged 11'

I looked at it, and then I remembered.

'Hey, that's the kid you lied to, by saying you were me'

'Yeah, but now she has gone even crazier than before'


Kevin sighed, and then pinched the bridge of his nose.

'You see, I dated her, but she kept talking about marrying me, and running away to live in England, and I was only a kid! I told her we were to young, and she freaked out, so I broke up with her. I guess she still thinks it was you'

'Hell, this is complicated' Logan said.

'Yeah, we know' James said, pulling Lou closer into his chest.

'Dude, we have to tell the cops' Carlos said.

'Yeah, I did. They said that she was admitted by her parents into a pyciatric hospital when she was 16, for burning down her school, and that hse escaped three years ago. They've been looking for her ever since' Kevin said, sitting down.

'Dude. This. Is. Crazy' Carlos said.

'Yeah. Crazy' Logan said.

I looked around, and saw Jess, sleeping.

I couldn't let anything happen to her.

'Well, whatever happens, whatever this crazy chick throws at us, we'll handle it. We'll protect the girls' I said.

'I'm in' James said.

'Me too' Logan said.

'Aren't I always?' Carlos said.

'Me too, cause this is really my fault' Kevin said.

'Dude it's not. Just cause she's a crazy nutjob, doesn't make it your fault James sadi, and we all agreed.

'Thanks guys'

We all sat in silence for a while and a sudden thought came to me.

She ahtes me because of something that happened years ago, and has held a grudge ever since.

Well, I'm in trouble.


A/N: Kay guys, I gues this chapter is a bit choppy, and probably not the best. Sorry, but I found it kinda interesting, using the family connection (that and I think Kevin is awesome)

So here ends another chapter. If I can get it up, the picture on the side SHOULD be Kendall. Ain't he cute!?


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