Chapter 2 - Lou's Story

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Author's Note: I am saying that the boys live in Palm Woods in real life. They don't, but I'm saying this in the story.

James's P.O.V.

I couldn't stop myself from looking in the wing mirror to watch her. She looked so peaceful, yet there was something she wasn't telling us. We had picked up Fox, who was sitting in the back with Lou, loving the attention, and we were heading over to her's. She was petting Fox, and talking to Carlos. 

'Which way?'

'Take a left here, and then it's the third drive way'


I looked away from her, to see that she lives in the Palm Woods. Haha.

'Why didn't you just say you lived here?' Carlos said, sounding annoyed.

'You asked for directions. Not the place name'


I laughed when she laughed. Her laugh is so infectious. Carlos gave me a funny look. Damn, he knows I like her. Damn it.

'Hey, are you just going to sit in the car?' Lou said, as she got out with Fox. God, even Fox loves her.

'No, we're coming' I said, and followed her into the lobby. As we got there, we saw Kendall and Logan pull up.

'Hey, you live here too?' Kendall said, surprised.

'Yeah, I'm a singer too, didn't I tell you?'


'Oh, well now you know!' Logan and Carlos laughed, while Kendall just shrugged. 

'Okay, onwards and upwards!' Carlos said.

'Which apartment do you live in?' I asked, as all I had done so far is laugh.


'ah, cool'

We went up to her apartment, all laughing and joking about small things. When we got inside her apartment, we stopped. This place was huge! Her flatmate came out of a room then.

'Oh hey Lou, you didn't say you were coming home'

'Sorry, but I was just so happy!' Lou said, as she bounced over to hug her. 

'Hey guy, this is my best friend Jess. Jess, this is Carlos, Kendall, Logan and James' We all said hi as she called our names out, except Kendall. He just stared at her. Haha, Kendall has a crush on Jess.

'Hey guys, nice to finally meet you all! Lou, can I talk to you for a second?'

'Yeah sure. You guys just help yourselves to whatever'

'Okay' Carlos said as they walked into another room.

Lou's P.O.V.

'Hey, did you know that James keeps sraring at you?' Jess whispered.

'No. Did you see Kendall staring at you?' I whisper back, not letting her know anything.


'Lets make a deal. I get James, you get Kendall, and we figure out who to get for Logan'

'What about Carlos?'

'He has a girlfirend'

'Okay, deal'

We shook hands and walked out. 

'What was all that about?' Carlos asked, as he filled his mouth with chips.

'First off don't speak woth your mouthful, second, we were just talking girl stuff' Jess said.


Jess walked over and sat beside Kendall. I could see his eyes light up. Wow, he really likes her. I walked over and sat beside James, and called Fox over. He jumped on my knee and wagged his tail.

'Aw, he's cute!' Jess said, as Kendall looked over.

'You guys want to watch a movie?' I said, as Kendall and James looked at each other.

'Yeah sure' Logan said, sitting beside Carlos.

'You girls mind if I invite Samantha?' Carlos said.

'Yeah sure, as long as we can invite Angie?' Jess said.


'Angie, a girl  that I dance with'

'Yeah sure'

'Right, you want to pick a movie Logan?' Kendall asks.

'Yeah, sure. Were are your dvds?'

'Right there' Jess says, and points under the tv.


James' P.O.V.

*When the girls go off alone

'Hey, Kendall, do you like Jess?' I ask, not winding hm up because he hasn't wound me up about Lou.

'Yeah.Here lets make a deal. I get Jess and you get Lou, agreed?'

'What about me?' Logan asked.

'I'm sure the girls will help ther mate' Carlos said. I was surprised he didn't object to me liking Lou, but I wasn't questioning it.

'Yeah, its a deal'

Just as we sat down, the girls came out. Jess went and sat beside Kendall. You could see how happy he was with that. Lou sat beside me, and called Fox over. He loves her already, and she loves him. I just sat and watched as she talked and laughed. She was so beautiful. Then Kendall gave me the look that said 'I see your having fun!' I just glared at him. 

Jess called Angelina, and Logan picked a movie.

*1 hour later

Logan and Angie were getting on really well. Well, they were until Angie fell asleep on his shoulder. Carlos and Samantha were asleep too, and Kendall was watching Jess sleep on his shoulder. Lou was still awake. 

'Hey, can I show you something?' she whispered.

'Yeah sure' She pulles me up and we went over to her room. I don't think anyone even noticed us leave.

She left me sitting on the bed and went to her closet. She pulled out a photo album.

'This is something I want to fill with memories in La, will you help me?'

'Yeah sure I will'

'Right now?'


She pulled out a camera and sat on my lap. Wow, that felt good. She leaned back and rested her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my face against hers.


She didn't know that I was already smiling, and watching her as she hit the flash. She looked so happy right then.

'Here, look at us!'

I looked, and I saw her smiling at the camera, and me looking at her smiling. I looked at her to see her grinning.

'James David Maslow, do you like me?'

'Yeah, I do Lou. I really like you'

I wasn't expecting her to kiss me, but she did. I started to smile, and I felt her smiling too. She pulled away, and I rested my forehead against hers. 

'Will you be my girlfriend Lou?' I ask, breathless from that kiss. I've only known her a day, but man, I swear it was like the Big Bang inside me.

'Yes, I will James'

I smiled and kissed her again. Then we heard Kendall at the door with Jess wolf whistling.

'Ignore them' she said.

'Who?' I asked, and kissed her.

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