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Okay, so no this isn't a new chapter, sorry about that.

Well, the reason I'm posting this is to ask you your opinion, and to tell you when I'm updating next.

I have so many ideas for this story, but I can't use them all, so I've narrowed my choices down, and you can choose what you want.

1.  A back story of Louise, Jess, Delilah and Mimi's life in London, at the hands of Damien.

2. Once this is finished, a follow up of what happens to each couple ten years down the line, and to them as a collective.

3. Finish this story, and start a sequel.

4. Finish this story, but in the epilogue have a look at them in five years.

5. Finish this story, and let some of you write little pieces on what you think will happen to them in five years time.

6. Finish after chapter 30, and leave it at that.

If I choose option 6, then it'll be easier for me to start my Kendall story.

I can't really start another story until I at least have this book close to finished.

Now, about that shower scene. In the last chapter, I mentioned about a plan I had.

Well, the plan is to do an actual scene for that, and do one for EACH couple. The only thing is it wouldn't be a part of this book, it would be in a restricted bit, cause 12 year old don't need to be reading that. :3

One more thing, feel free to either ask me about the story itself, the characters or anything  anytime.

Even if I'm not on, I'll get your message and answer as soon as!

Seriously, I want to thank you all for reading this, as it is my first story outside of twitter, and it's longer than anything else I've written.

My first story was Personal Soldier, but this means more to me, because of how much I relate to Lou.

Well that and I used my middle name.

Okay, last thing before I go, something I would love if you all tweeted, cause it's TRUE.


@AnyKindOfBandanaGirl & @SpeedMeUpOrSlowMe, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.


Henderwhore Out <3

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