Delilah's Story Jess's

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A/N: So, I never thought we'd see chapter 17. This was originally meant to be a short thing, about 15 chapters long. 

Look how well that plan failed.

Lol, anyway, THANK YOU!!This story has 28 votes and over a thousand reads!! Never in my wildest dreams did I think it would get this far!!

You are all JAMAZING and I love you. That sounds soppy.

Okay, so my mum just said that 1D look gay, TW look like trouble and that she fancies Kendall.


Anyway, thank you again, and I hope you enjoy this chapter!!

Henderwhore out! <3

Delilah's P.O.V

After we got to the police station, Kevin rubbed my arm and looked at me with those trusting eyes.

How can I not do this?

I have to do this, if not for me then for him. 

I walked into the police station with my head held high, and said to the guy on the desk 'HEllo, my name is Delilah Turnblad, and I'd like to turn myself in'

He gave me a funny look, and then let me through the door, were I was greeted by two officers.

'Hello Delilah, if you'd like to step this way'

I nodded and followed, looking behind me to see Kevin gining me the thumbs up.

How can he be so forgiving?

I tried to kill his brother!

I was distracted by the door closing, and I sat down.

'Now, would you like to tell us what happened over the past three weeks?'

'Well, it all started three weeks ago, like you said, when I went to visit my ex, James Maslow. I thought he was single, but when he told me he had a girlfriend, I didn't believe him. When she- I mean Louise- pushed me out of his place, I got really angry, and wanted to get revenge, cause when I'm angry, these thoughts get in my head. I'd managed to convince myself that James loved me, and that Louise as keeping us apart, so I tried to ruin her by trying to kill her best friend, Jess. Kendall was in the car too, so I tried to kill him too. Afterwards, my brother Damien got me out of the hospital and convinced me that Kendall was this boy who dumped me when I was twelve, and that I needed to get revenge on him, by kidnapping his brother, so I waited outside the hospital until he came out. When he did, I realised that Kevin was the said little boy, and immediately regretted agreing to what Damien wanted. I tried to stop them from taking him, but they knocked me out as well as Kevin and hid me away from him. When I came to, I broke free and ran to the place I knew Damien would be hiding Kevin and got him out, then ran off to find help with him. Kevin phoned Logan who picked us up and took me here, because I asked him too'

'Thank you miss. You admitting all this will make the jury look on you more kindly'

'There is one more thing'


'Damien. He is obsessed with Louise, and he'll do anything to get her, even if it means killing others. You have to make sure that she doesn't watch the news in case he does something drastic. Also, he has a weakness, but it's very small. He seems to think that she loves him. I don't know why, but he does'

'Thank you, this information will help us greatly'

'Now it's time for me to go meet my new cell mates I think'

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