Chapter 5 - Meh, I don't know

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Author's Note: I tried to make this chapter a bit longer, but it always seems really short here :(

Well, I hope you all like it, and please comment feedback! xXx

Louise's P.O.V

I was sitting with James, while thinking of how we could cheer up Carlos. Hmm, maybe if we went go-karting?

Nah, Kendall's too competitive.

Although, so is Jess, and she is very good at it, so it might be funny.

No, no it won't. It would just be a day was everyone flaunts their relationship in front of him.

Humph. I'll just ask James later. He'll have an idea.

Oh wait, what about if I introduced him to Cat? She would be perfect for him, and he would keep her sane, and treat her like a princess!!

I'll ask James first though, see what he thinks. God, I've only known in two days and already I'm making sure he knows what I'm planning, and looking for his opinion. Wow.

Just as I thought that, he started whispering in my ear 'you know, this is the fastest I've ever over in a relationship'

'Same here'

I turned around and saw that everyone had gone home. Mm, I wonder how long they had been gone for.

'About 10 minutes. Kendall and Jess were taking Carlos home, while Logan and Angie were going over to her place'

Wow, how did he know what I was thinking?

'Mind reading now Maslow?'

'No, I just saw you looking around and figured you zoned out when they left'

Wow he's good.

'I think I have a plan for Carlos'

Yeah? Well, I'm happy to hear it'

'I have this friend, Cat, who is a really shy person. I think she would be perfect for him, because he'll bring her out of her shell, and she'll make him happier than he's ever been'

'Sounds good, but maybe if we make it so that they're friends at first? I mean, he only just broke up with Sam'

'Fair point'

I looked at him, and found him watching me. Looking into his eyes is never a good idea, because I keep getting lost in them.  He walked towards me, looking into my eyes the whole time, and pulled me into his chest.

‘You know how long I’ve been waiting to do this?’

‘No, I don’t’

‘Too long’ with that he kissed me. When he pulled up, we were both breathing harder than usual.

‘How about we spend the day getting to know each other?’ he said, trying to catch his breath.

‘Sounds like a plan’

He pulled me towards the couch and we started a game of twenty questions. He started.

‘So, Lou, what would you be doing if you weren’t acting?’

‘I would probably be studying architecture. I don’t know, it just always appealed to me’

‘Me too’

‘Wow. Okay, my turn. What kind of pastimes do you have?’

‘Well, I like working out, singing, and I have a passion for rock climbing’

‘Really? I LOVE rock climbing! This is uncanny!’

‘I know! Okay my turn, what would be your perfect day?’

Cause Your My Cover, Cover GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora