Chapter 4 - The Break Up

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Author's Note: Before we begin, I would like to thank you all for reading this. I know that Lou and James fell in love really fast, but this is kind of based on what happened to a friend of mine (very loosely) and I changed it to suit the characters. James seems like the type to fall hard and fast. The others relationships will be slower, but the feelings will be there.

Also, this chapter is just going to be about Carlos and Samantha breaking up, hence the title. I really hope I do them justice, and that nobody hates me. xx

Samantha's P.O.V.

I have to tell him. I can't just leave and not tell him. I still care about him, but I'm not sure if I love him anymore. Ugh, why does this have to be so complicated?

Carlos was waking up. I looked around to see that we were still at Lou and Jess' place. I had to get him out of here first. I'll get him home, and then I'll tell him. It's the only way. He'll come back here, and they will take care of him.

Carlos' P.O.V.

'Hey babe'

'Hey Carlos, lets go home and get changed'


*At Carlos' Place

'Hey, I need to talk to you'

Oh no. I knew this was coming.

Sam hasn't been right for weeks, but I never expected her not to tell me for this long.

Oh god.

'Okay, whats up?'

'Carlos, I'm moving back home'

'Okay, we can do a long dist-'

'No, Carlos. I don't want that'

Don't you love me?'

'I do, but not the way I'm supposed to. Not the way you deserve. I'm leaving tomorrow'

'What?! Why didn't you tell me before?'

'I didn't want to hurt you'

She walked out then. I collapsed. I couldn't believe it.

I thought she was sick or something. I knew she was going hoe, but I didn't expect her to leave me.

What the hell?

I went back to Lou's to find everyone having breakfast. As soon as Lou saw me she ran up and hugged me. Thank god she's here, I really need my best friend.

God, I missed her hugs, she was always the best at hugs.

James came over and squished us all together. Haha, that made me laugh.

Good, laughters good right?

'Hey buddy, whats up?' Kendall said.

'Sam's leaving. Shes going home, and she doesn't want me anymore'

'Aw mate, it'll get better, trust me!' Jess said. I'd only met her yesterday, and she was already treating me like her best friend. Cool, thats cool.

I'm sure there right. I'll be fine.

'Hey, lets all go to the beach' Logan said, trying to cheer me up I guess.

'Yeah sure, leggo' I said, grabbing my keys.

I will be fine, and by the look in Lou's eyes, she wasn't going to let me be single for long.

Haa xx

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