You Say What Now?

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A/N: So, after three days of sickness and working all night as a hotel porter (don't ever take that job if you are offered. It may sound easy, but the hours are KILLER) I have finally managed to update this. Sorry about the lateness :P

So, after consideration, I have decided to make this longer than intended, I think.

You see, I want to post the court cases for both Delilah and Damien, to show that they WON'T be coming back.

Also, I mentioned on the PLANS part that I'd like to do a back story for Jess, Lou and Delilah of their life in London at the hands of Damien.

It's all planned now. The intention is that the memories will merge with the telling of accounts by each girl throughout the court dates.

Then, hopefully this will finish at chapter 30! SAD DAYS!

Don't worry, cause I have the epilogue already planned out and written, but I can't post it yet.

Each character will have the ending they deserve, don't worry. The epilogue is actually gonna be my longest chapter I think.

Now, another inportant thing. The cover of this story is set to change. I know, I love this one two, but the black line at the bottom annoys me. So if any of you have pictures of James that you think would be cool, just email me them at

I know, my friend made it for me years ago and I never changed it.

Okay, so back to this chapter. It's not going to be incredibly long I'm afraid. Oh, and one last thing I'll mention at the end of the chapter!!

Henderwhore Out <3

14th September 2012 - Logan's 23rd Birthday

2:30 am

James's P.O.V

I was lying in my bunk on the tour bus, with Lou's head resting on my chest. She was sleeping soundly, after sitting up for three hours crying her heart out.

It breaks my heart to see her cry.

Especially when it involves that vermin that is Damien.

You know what he did?

He had Delilah killed in her cell.

His own sister. All because she was going to stand against him in court.

I don't get it. First, he tries to make himself look good by pleading guilty, then he goes and orders for her to be killed?

What the hell is wrong with him?

Anyway, even after he was arrested, and sent STRAIGHT to a maximum security prison, me and the boys refused to let the girls stay home, so they came with us.

After Lou fell asleep, Kendall and Jess started a conversation about Lou being on the stand in court.

How will she cope?

I don't know, all I know is that I'll be there with her the whole time, holding her. Keeping her together. Being strong for her.

When all I want to do is run away with her and hide from all the madness.

She moaned in her sleep, and then kissed my collar bone. Christ, she even drives me mad when she's asleep!

I looked down at her, and just as she rested her hand at the nape of my neck.

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