Court Day 2

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A/N: So, before we begin, I thought I would mention that this is the twenty sixth chapter. Which means four more chapters til we say goodbye to these beloved characters.

Well they'll be here, but I wont wirte about them anymore.

I got asked by someone if I'm doing a sequel, so to clarify, NO. It's the court, then the epilogue.

This shall be in Damien's P.O.V :/

James: I'm going to miss that tree

Me: Oh god

LJ: Seriously?

Carlos: He means Wolfie


Wolfie: I'M HERE!

James: YEAH

Mimi: ME TOO

W&L&M: YEAH!!!!

Okay....not sure what that was. So, this is the chapter that you shall find out Delilah's SURPRISE.

Not ruining it so READ ON.

Henderwhore Out <3

Damien's P.O.V

Today was the day the cops put their case against me, but they had nothing on me so long as Delilah was dead.

"Would you bring in the tv til we see Ms Delilah Bloomenthal?"

What? She was interviewed on tape?


The cop went out and brought a tv in, and I knew right there and then I was in trouble. I knew she would know my plan, and know that I'd try to kill her.


When the guy pressed play, I felt my fredom slip away. There was no way I was getting out of this now.

"Hello, my name is Delilah Bloomenthal, and the reason I had this interview recorded was because I know that Damien will have some of his goons kill me off. Ican't prove it, but I know he will"

Crap on a crap cracker.

"So, Delilah, tell us everything"

"Okay. When I was 14, my brother convinced me that this boy who broke up with me, Kendall Schmidt, who I now know to be Kevin Schmidt, needed to be taught a lesson. So he got me to join his gang, and I went off the rails. I was blamed for burning that poor old ladies house down, when it was just him scaring someone who owed him by hurting their family"

Hell, this isn't good.

"After I got ot, he convinced me to date James Maslow, so I did, then he made me sleep with someone who I told James was my cousin. After a couple of years of me and James being apart, I kind of lost my head, so anything Damien told me I believed. He told me that James still loved me, so I went to see him, and ended up being kicked out by Louise Housten. After that, I managed to get it into my head that she was keeping me and James apart. Then I remembered Kendall/Kevin, and decided to torment him instead. Then after talking to Kevin, I realised what my brother was doing was wrong, that I was wrong. So I saved him, and confessed"

Hell, why is she so truthful NOW?

"Okay, now can you tell us Damien's plans?"

"He wanted Louise back, so he could punish her for leaving him. He would stop at nothing to get her"

Not true.

I stopped for Mimi. Why though?

"Okay, thank you"

The video ended, and the prosectution looked at me.

"Next, we have a tape from a Ms Louise Housten"

Explains why she's not here.

The jury were still giving me filthy looks.

Wait til you hear this.

"Hello, my name is Louise Housten"

"Okay, can you tell us your story?"

"Okay. Well, I met Damien back in London, and we began dating. After three months, he started using me to pay back people he owed. A sexual favour. I tried to fight, but he used his sister Jessica against me, saying that if I did he would use her instead."

Gasps all around the court room. Well, let the drama commence.

"After three years of this and of doing other things like moving drugs and prostitution, Jess found out and we ran away to LA, but he followed us. He conned my boyfriend James into meeting him, them kidnapped him. He called me and said that if I didn't meet him he would kill James, so I met him. He kidnapped me, then made me choose between him and James, saying that if I chose wrong no one would leave. I was going to him to spare James, but then my brother Jack shot him. I thought he was dead"

She started crying, and you could hear James yelling at them to let him in there. Weak little princess.

Oh yeah, Jack shot me?

Well, better deal with him.

"I'm okay. After that, the whole thing with Delilah started, which was caused by him, again. Then he kidnapped Kevin and Delilah. After they escaped, he held a bank captive, and said that if I didn't surrender to him, he would kill my sister Miriam. I tried to, but the cops got him. That's it"

"Okay yo-"

"Thank you your honour"

I looked around, and realised that Kevin was here, with Ranel. I smirked, and he gave me his fiercest look.

"Next, we have a tape from a Ms Miriam Housten"

Oh goodie.

"Hello, my name is Miriam Housten"

"Okay, you may begin"

"Well, I met Damien when we were kids, but he moved away. Then I saw him again at the pier, and he talked about old times. When I got to the bank, he went out and made a phonecall. His gooms were there in minutes, and he forced me to make that video. He then killed a poor boys mther for no good reason"


"After that, Louise and me tried to trade places, but he froze, and the cops nabbed him"

"Thank you" I looked up, and saw her smile at the camera, and I knew why I didn't want Louise as much.


"Next we have Ms Jessica Bloomenthal"

Will this ever end?

"Hello, my name is Jessica Bloomanthal"


"Well, after I found out what Damien was making Louis do, I took her to LA, ans tried to hide her there, but he followed her. He tried to kill James, take her, kill Kendall and me. He forced Delilah to changed, and made her who she was. He tried to use Kevin as a weapon, he hed a bank hostage and killed an innocent woman for nothing"

Wow, she's angry.

"Thank you Ms Bloomenthal"

After that, the prosectution sat down. Wonder why?

"This court shall reconveine tomorrow at 3pm" the judge said, before she walked out.

Guess there was more people to see.

Well, this should be fun.

Ha! I wasn't supposed to upload, but I wanted to apologize for not being here. I think I'm getting a new phone, which means Wattpad app :)


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