Damien Strikes Again Part 2

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A/N: So, I'm happy to announce that the person who shall be Lou's sister is..................WAIT FOR IT....................SpeedMeUpOrSlowMe AKA Miriam!!!!!!

Can she get a WOO HOO!?

Lol, I serious love this girl so y'all better be nice to her. (Being nice, you should go fan her)

Okay, so this is dedicated to Miriam, as promised!! Wow, this is gonna be FUN!! I have my friend and inspiration for the story here, Ruth, so she's gonna cut in for a message to y'all at the end of the chapter!!

So, chapter 19 huh? Never thought I'd manage to get this far with the story without it failing. Lol, I'm not that optimistic about things that I do. 



Lol, all my posse are here (lol posse) AKA Nath, Matt and Ruth, and they all say hi!!

Ruth is a directioner, but she says she has new respect for BTR after the Ottowa show.

*Does Happy Dance*

Kendall: Hey that's my bit!

Me: Lol, Kendizzle go back to sleep.

Okay...............imma leave before we start on the popcorn war!

Henderwhore out! <3

Louise's P.O.V

"Oh my god, James he has my sister!" I cried, running into James chest. He held me close and rubbed soothing circles in my back.

"It's okay, we'll get her back. Don't worry,everything will be okay! he whispered into my hair as he tried to calm me down. I just cried into his chest, replaying the video in my head.

*What the Video Said*

Damien: Hello Louise, I hope you have enjoyed your time with James and your friends, but I'm afraid if you want all these innocent people to live, then that time is over. I have an old friend of yours, would you like to stand up and introduce yourself?

Miriam: Okay. Hey Lou, long time no see!?

Damien: Now sweetheart, tell her what I'll do until she sees sense and returns to me.

Miriam: Lou, he said that if you don't come here he will start to kill a person every hour. Starting with me.

Damien: That's right

*Miriam is pulled out of the frame by a muscular guy, screaming at Lou to stay were she is*

Damien: Now that you know that I have your dear sister, I hope you will see sense and come back to me. Bye sweetheart.

*Video Over*

"James, what if he's telling the truth, and he kills her before we get there?" I said, trying to pull him towards the door.

"No, I'm not losing you!" he growled as he pulled me back into his chest.

"Please James. I have to do something!"


"Sir, miss, we have a plan" a cop said from behind us. I'd forgotten they were even there.

"Really?" I said, as James said "as long as she doesn't get hurt"

"Don't worry sir, she wont. Now, lets get everything set in place. You will need to get your friends to meet us at the bank"

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