Chapter 9 - My Hero?

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A/N: Woo! Okay, so I'm uploading this like a week early becuse I'm super nervous about my results.


Okay, I'm calm. I'm introducing a new character in this chapter, because I kinda needed too.

I intend on the next chapter (up on Friday) to be one for CARLITOS.

Hope you all enjoy my crazy rambling!!

James' P.O.V

As soon as Damien fell to the ground, I ran over to Lou and pulled her into my chest. I had no idea what just happened, but I knew that the only thing I really cared about was her safety.

'Lou, its okay, I'm here' I said, trying to calm her down.

'Oh James, is it really sick to be happy right now?'

I smiled 'I know what you mean. We have a lot to be thankful for though'


'We're alive, and together'

'Mmm, I like that'

I laughed and pulled her in closer.

'I'm here babe, and I'm never leaving. Ever'

She reached up and kissed me, and I swear I'd never felt so happy in my life.

She was safe, and she wasn't leaving me.



Lou's P.O.V



'What the hell?'

'I really don't know. I'm sorry Lou'

I ignored him, and hugged James. He got the picture and walked away.

'Who was that?'

'My brother, and Damien's accomplice'

He didn't say anything, he just crushed me into his chest.

Thats when I heard it.

'Lou? James? Were are you?'

Jess. Jess was here.

'C'mon, lets go find them' I said, pulling James with me. Once we walked out, we were attacked.

In a good way.

Well, no, it was Jess and Kendall pulling us into a really big hug.

'Seriously, can't breathe!' I said, as James and Kendall laughed.

'Thank god your alright!' Jess said, as she hugged me, ignoring my protests.

'Yeah, I don't think I could've lived without you guys!' Kendall started to say, pretnending to cry.

Well, until James hit him over the head.


'IT WAS SUPPOSED TO!' Me and Jess laughed at them, while they continued to argue like an old married couple.

'I swear. if we ever get dumped, it'll be because these to have finally admitted their feelings for one another!' Jess said, earning complaints from the boys.

I just laughed, as James pulled me into his chest. I could feel him laughing too. I looked over and saw Jess and Kendall hugging, and them both laughing.

It felt good to laugh, even if it was all only to distract me.

Just then, Angie, Logan and Carlos turned up, and pulled us all in for yet another massive hug.

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