Love Is In The Air

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  • Dedicated to LOVE

A/N: So, this is a filler piece, but I wanted to write something, cause I always feel guitly when I don't update.

Okay, so WindowsDown has decided NOT to vacate her account (Yeah). I'm pretty sure my rant was in the Logan story, but yeah :P

Okay, so if this is complete bull, I'm sorry. I had the whole thing planned out on the bus journey to Sligo (at 7am) BUT I left my notepad n the bus!

Really ticked off about that.

Okay, so one last thing. Today is Suicide Prevention Day, and it means a lot to me, as only a couple of weeks ago my best friends brother killed himself, and so many Rushers kill themselves because they don't feel beautiful enough, or their problems are too much for them to cope with.

That's why the dedication for this chapter goes to the word LOVE, because as The Beatles say, it's all you need.

Love of yourself.

Henderwhore Out <3

Three Weeks Later

Miriam's P.O.V

Okay, so I have a confession to make. Lou is going to kill me.

I really like Dustin. He's just so funny, he cracks me up. I haven't laughed so hard in ages.

Lou told me not to fall for any of the guys, but did she mean Dustin too?

Ugh, why did I agree to stay with him? I don't think I can take being his roommate for much longer!

Ugh, Mimi how do you keep getting yourself into these situations?

*Ding Dong*

Oh right, better go get the door.

"Hey Kendall, Jess"

"Hey Mimi, how are you?" Kendall asked.

"Yeah, is Dustin treating you right?" Jess said.

"Yeah, I'm good. Dustin's in his room" 

"Okay" Kendall said, as he went up the stairs.

"C'mon, me and you need to talk girly" Jess said, as she pulled me into my room.


"You and Dustin"

"There is no me and Dustin"

"That's why we need to talk"


Dustin's P.O.V

Ugh, living with the girl you are falling for is not easy.

It's actually really hard. 

"Hey Dustin, can we talk?" I heard Kendall say from the hall.

Hmph, didn't know he was here.

"Yeah sure"

He let himself in and sat on the bed. I was sitting on a seat, strumming on my guitar.

"Dude, it's about Mimi"

"What about her?"

"It's obvious you like her, why don't you just ask her out already?"

"Lou made us promise"

"Well, James is talking to Lou about that, and anyway, Jess says she likes you too"

I perked up at that.


He smiled, knowing that that cheered me up.

"Yeah, really. Now, be a man and ask her out already"

"Okay, I will"



Louise's P.O.V

"C'mon Lou, you know that love can't be controlled. If they want to be together, you're just going to have to accept it and move on"

"I know James, I'm just really protective over Mimi. I know we're the same age, but we always stuck together. I dn't want to see her hurt"

"C'mon, this is Dustin we're talking about. He couldn't hurt a fly, let alone Mimi"

"You're right! Okay, I'll be alright with it, I promise!"

"Now, were were we?"

I looked around, and remembered we were painting my room.

"Em, painting?"

"Oh yeah"

I laughed and then went back to the wall I was working on. All of a sudden paint was all over me.

I turned around to see James holding the bucket of paint, which was empty now, laughing his head off.

"Oh, it's on"

I grabbed my paint bucket and chucked it at him, missing his head, but getting paint all over him. 

That wiped the smirk off his face.

"Oh, you think that's okay?" James said, grinning at me.

I just laughed, he looked so funny with purple paint in his hair.

"It's in your hair!" I laughed, as he just crossed his arms.

"Well, you have green paint in your hair"

"Yeah, but I don't care"

I fell over from laughter, and James soon joined in.

After a while, we calmed down, and I looked over at him to see him staring at me.


He just smiled and pulled me into his chest.


Then he kissed me, while picking me up and carrying me over to the shower.

"Let's get you cleaned up" he said, as he closed the bathroom door.

I grinned.


Miriam's P.O.V

Okay, so Kendall and Jess had left, leaving me alone with Dustin again.

Wow, this is awkward.



"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, sup?"

He didn't say anything, he just pulled me into his chest. As his lips came closer to mine, all I could think was YES!!!!

He stopped about an inch from my lips and whispered "will you be my girl?"

"Yes" I whispered back.

He smiled and then kissed me.

Ah, there go the fireworks.

Finally, some peace. Let's hope this lasts.


Okay, so does anyone think that the peace will last? Nope, me either. Lol, I was gonna keep the bathroom scene going, but I decided I have another plan for that. I'll tell you in the next chapter though!

One more thing, when I said love of yourself before, I didn't mean be a cocky git. I meant enough love for youself, so that you don't kill yourself.

I'm serious guys, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm RIGHT HERE. Just inbox me.


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