Court day 3

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  • Dedicated to LJ, Wolfie and Mimi

A/N: So, it's been a while! Sorry, but I was visiting a friend down in county Sligo, were she's studying performing arts! (So hungover right now and my foot is the size of a blimp)

So thank you for waiting SO long for an update! I have missed you all like crazy, but I'll be back properly on Sunday! 

So, mayja hommage to @xxMusicPrincessxx @SpeedMeUpOrSlowMe and @AnyKindOfBandanaGirl for not killing me telepathecally for not being here. Sorry girls!!


HenderWhore OUT <3

James's P.O.V

Today was the day. The day me, Kendall and Kevin testify against Damien. We were all saying good bye to the girls, as they were staying here with Carlos, Kenneth, Logan and Dustin.

"Kendall, promise me you'll give your statement and then wait in the lobby for the boys" Jess said.

"I promise!" Kendall replied, as he pulled her into a hug.

"Kevin, same goes for you" Stacey said to him, as Carlos laughed.

"I will" Kevin said sheepishly.

All of a sudden, Lou pulled me into the next room. She let go of my hand, only to wrap her arms around my waist and hug me tightly. I hugged her back, knowing she was scared of what could happen.

"Please promise me you will just grab the boys and leave the court room. No fights, just leave" she mumbled into my chest.

"I promise" I said, as I rubbed soothing circles into her back.

She started to calm down, and then she looked up at me.

"I love you James"

"I love you too Lou"

I leaned down and kissed her, just as Logan shouted from the sitting room.


I sighed, while she laughed, and pulled me back into the sitting room. After that, Kendall practically dragged me out to the car, making everyone laugh.

Once we were in the car, Kendall started the engine and headed over to the court house.

"You two are seriously whipped, you know that?" Kevin said, while me and Kendall laughed.

"We know" we both said, making us all laugh.

After that, things got quiet. Not uncomfortable, just peaceful. It was nice, just to have this quiet time before the case.

Today was the day I would finally get to tell Damien exactly what he did, and see his face. Today was the day I would fulfil my promise to Lou, and keep her safe from him.


Kendall's P.O.V

"Kendall, promise me you'll give your statement and then wait in the lobby for the boys" Jess said, looking at me with worry in her eyes.

"I promise!" I said, as I pulled her in for a hug. She hugged me back, and snuggled her face into my shoulder.

Breathing deeply, we stayed like this, while Stacey made fun of me and Jess with Kevin. 

It was funny, but Jess was truly worried I'd try to kill him or something stupid.

I know what he did, but he's still her brother. Family means a lot to me, so even though he is scum, I wouldn't kill him.

Kevin might though, just purely for Delilah.

He told me that he really liked her, and thought she was actually really sweet.

I told him that we had all kind of guessed that anyway.

He laughed.

After I finally released Jess from the hug, we all noticed that James and Lou had disappeared.


"C'MON LOVEBIRDS, TIME FOR YOU TO GO!" Logan yelled, making us all laugh.

As they walked in, we all laughed, and I practically dragged James out, as he was nearly glued to Louise.

As we all got in the car, Kevin was still laughing at us.

"You two are seriously whipped, you know that?" Kevin said, making James chuckle, and me snort with laughter.

"We know" we said in unison, making Keivn crack up.

Once we all calmed down, we settled into a comfortable quiet. It was nice.

All I could think was that today was the day that we finally get Damien out of our lives for good.

At last.

Kevin's P.O.V

As we drove to the court house in a comfortable silence, all I could think about was Delilah.

I wasn't handling this very well.

I swear, I fell in love with her.

And he had her killed.

He is going to pay for what he did.

He has to.

He just has to.

Damien's P.O.V

My lawyer said that there is four people on the stand today. He said that the first three will be James, Kendall and Kevin, but that the fourth one is being kept a secret for identity reasons.

I wonder who it is....

Unknown's P.O.V

Today is the day he wil pay for his crimes.

And the day I make everthing right. Louy will never forgive me, but at least I will have made sure he can never touch her again.


James's P.O.V

We've just been told there is another witness, and that they're moving his statement to be before us.

I wonder who it is?

No, can't be.



Anybody remember Jack? Well, if you dont', you'll finnd out in the next update. Whcih will hopefully be Sunday.



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