Chapter 7 - James' Luck

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A/N: Okay, so first off, I'm going to dedicate this to the awesomeness that is BTRFanWolf.

Y'all should go check otu her story 'I'm Trapped On A Bus With Four Dorks' -Seriously aweosme!!

Okay, down to business!! 

I apologise in advance if this turns out to be forking awful, but its like 4am here and I haven't slept (stupid I know)

Okay, another thing, ILOVE YOU ALL MORE THAN JAMES LOVES FOX. (wow, that is powerful)

Okay, okay, here goes!!

James' P.O.V

I held Lou as Jess told her that her ex was here. I held her as she broke down in my arms.

I swear, if I ever lay my hands on him , I will kill him for hwta he did to her, and what he's doing to her now.

How could he hurt someone as beautiful and precious as Lou? How could he be so stupid?

Well, I'm going to protect her now, forever.

'Shh, its okay, c'mon, he can't get to you anymore, your save' I said to her, as I carried her to her room.

'No, I can never be save as long as he knows where I am. Ugh, I just, just hate him so much!'

'I know, I know. Try to get some sleep, okay?'

'Okay. James?'


'Thank you'

'Your welcome honey'

I saw her smile as she fell asleep. Wow, she must've been exhausted! I felt my phone vibrate just as I kissed her forehead.

Damien-'Hey buddy, long time no see! you busy?'

James-'Naw, weer you wanna meet?'

Damien-'How about at the Pier?'

James-'Sure, see ya there'


Weird, I haven't talked to Damien in years. We used to be best friends back in San Diego, but he moved, then I joined BTR, and we both lost contact.

Should be fun seeing him again.

I walked into the sitting room and told Kendall were I was headed. He said he's tell Lou when she woke up.

As I headed to the pier, I had a weird thought.

Wasn't Lou's ex called Damien?

Kendall's P.O.V

'Hey babe, what'cha wanna do?' Jess asked, trying to act normal.

'How about we just go get some sleep? I'm pretty exhausted'

'Me too, hey were did James go?'

'Oh, to meet an old friend at the pier. He said he's be back around five'

'Its three now'


She graabed my hand and pulled me to her room, and I pulled her onto the bed and pulled her ino my chest.

'Hey, who was James going to see?'

'Emm, Damon I think'

'Oh, kay'

'Night Jess'

'Night Kendall'

She leaned up and kissed me, before snuggling into my chest and faiing asleep. Hmm, that feels good.

Wait, his name wasn't Damon, it was Damien.

Wasn't Lou's ex called Damien?

Nah, couldn't be the same guy. I mean, he was James' childhood best friend.

It couldn't be.

Lou's P.O.V

I woke up to my phone ringing. I moaned and then answered it.


'Lou? Look, I, -'

'Hello Louise, how are you?'


'Yes, now I have your precious pretty boy, so please come meet me at the pier right now, or else you'll never see his pretty face again'

'LOU DON'T DO IT! DO-' I heardJames shout in the back round.

'Please don't hurt him, I'm on my way'

'Good girl. Remember, no cops'

'Okay, no cops' I cried as he hung up.

I ran into the sitting room, to find a really worried looking Kendall and Jess.

'Lou what-'

'Damien has James. I have to go. If I'm not back in three hourds, send as muh help as you can get to the pier'

I didn't stop long enough for them to answer. I just ran out the door, with only one thing on my mind.


James' P.O.V

'No' I said, as I heard him tell her no cops.

Please, let her not come.

I don't want her to be hust again.

'How can you do this Damien? I thought we were friends?'

'We were, till you took Lou. Now you're nothing to me'

'D, please, don't hurt her. Please'

'Too late Jamesy boy, she's gonna get whats coming to her for thinking she can leave me'

I just turned my head away, and prayed that she wouldn't come, and that Kendall would stop her.

All I can do is think about her.



A/N: Sorry again, but CLIFFHANGER!!

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