Chapter 11 - WHAT!?

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A/N: Sorry this chapter took me so long, but I've had a really rough couple of days :P Being sick sucks 

Hope you enjoy :)

*A Month Later*

James' P.O.V

I walked in from work to find Lou asleep on the sofa. I smiled, and then picked her up and carried her to bed. She woke up on the way up the stairs, and wrapped her arms around my neck, and kissed my shoulder.

'Hey sleepyhead'

'Hey babe, how was work?' she mumbled.

'Good, you got back to sleep'


She smiled and then kissed me again. I lay her down on the bed, and heard her say 'I love you'

'I love you too'

She smiled and fell asleep. I kissed her forehead, and then decided to go onto twitter. When I got to the laptop, I saw that it was still logged onto her account. I saw that her mentions were full of hate from Rushers, and I got really angry.

Until I saw a tweet from a rusher to her, telling her to ignore the hate, and that they were all just jealous because of how beautiful she is.

I logged out of her twitter and logged into mine. I followed that sweet rusher, and then started a twitcam.

'Hey guys, this is just going to be really short, but I want you all to stop sending Lou hate. I love her, and she is an amazing girl. She makes me happy, and I know that that's what you all really want. I know you feel angry and jealous, thats human nature, but please stop sending her hate. Thanks. I better go, because I really need a shower! I'll be back later! Love you bye'

I fifnished up then logged off. I went for a shower to clear my head.

Then I heard the front door.

I grabbed my sweatpants and threw them on. I ran down stairs to see what was gonig on.

The person sitting on the sofa was the last person I expected to see.

'Hey James, long time no see'



'What are you doing here?'

'I came to see my man'

'I'm not your man'

'Yes you are'

'No, I'm not. That ship sailed a long time ago. Around the time you tried to kill Kendall'

'Well, I've changed'

'Yeah, me too'

'I love you'

'Get out'




'He said get out' 

I turned around to see Lou glaring at Delilah.

'Oh look, the little princess is finally awake. Well babe I'm afraid to tell you that James is m-'

'No. James is my boyfriend. I love him, he loves me. I don't know who you are, but I'd advise you to leave before I make you'

'Oh, we got ourselves a little tough girl! Well, what would you say if I told you that bad things are going to happen?'

'I'd tell you to go get a life and stop trying to steal mine'

Before Delilah could react, Lou went over, grabbed her collar, and dragged her to the door. She opened the door and shoved her out.

'Stay away'

She shut the door, and then ran over to me.

'James, I'm sorry you had t-'

'You don't have to apologise. I love you'

'I love you too'

I leaned down and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and entwined her finger into my hair. I wrapped my arms around her waist, and lifted her up a little. She wrapped her legs around my waist.

I licked her lips, and she let me in, and I tasted her mouth. After a while, she pulled away for air, and I moved my lips down her neck,and to her soft spot, making her moan.

I carried her to the bedroom, and gently threw her on the bed. I climbed on top of her, and went back to kissing her. 

She started rubbingher hadns up and down my chest, making me moan, and I started taking off her top. After about three minutes, we had managed to both get naked.

I looked into her eyes, and I never looked back.

Kendall's P.O.V

'Hey babe, whatcha wanna do today?'

'Well, seeing as Carlos and Stace are together, Logan and Angie are together and Lou and James haven't left each other since that day, I thought it'd be nice to hang out with you!'

'Yeah Jess, love you too'

'Shut up and come over to mine, I need to tell you something'

'I'll be there in five'

'See ya'


*Jess Hangs Up*

'I love you'

Huh. Guess she's never gonna know how I feel about her. Crazy girl, I swear, she just can't see whats right in front of her. 

Oh well, better get up there.

Once I got to her flat, she just flung open the door and let me past.

'Jess, what up?'

'Oh nothing I'm just bored'

No, she's lying. I looked into her eyes, and I found myself lost. I couldn't help myself. I just reached over and pulled her close and kissed her.

Better yet, she kissed back.

After a while we pulled back for air, and I rested my forehead against hers.


'Yeah wow'

'Jess, will you be my girlfriend?'

'I thought you'd never ask'

'So that's a yes?' 

She smiled and kissed me.


Logan's P.O.V



'Whats the deal with us?'

'How do you mean?'

'Are we like together? Or are we...I don't know'

'Well, I consider myslef your girlfriend, if that's what you mean'

I smiled.

'Yeah. I'm your boyfriend'

She smiled, and hugged me.

'Damn straight'

Delilah's P.O.V

Little miss prissy pants made a big mistake throwing me out. I'll get her, and her little friends too.

James will be mine again.

I promise that.

A/N: Okay, so they both have troubled exes, but whatever. It can happen (right?)

haa, xXx

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