Memory Time

298 6 10

A/N: Okay, so the new cover has killed me 124723857236582 times.

Also, this chapter is making me cry, because it's just ... I don't, it just is.

So, according to my math this is chapter 22. This is really sad for me, as it means that we are close to the end.

I do intend on finishing this at chapter 30, but THERE WILL BE AN EPILOGUE. No, there won't be a sequel, but after this I'll be starting a Kendall story. WITH SOME JARLOS.

So, the inspiration for this story came from LAdy Antebellum's song I Run To You.

If you didn't know, I fricking love Lady Antebellum. 

I dunno, I think it's cool.

So, as I was writing this, I was talking to Wolfie, so as that conversation was hilarious (OMG were did all that COME from?) my dedication is to her.

On my other stories, I am concentrating on this one for the next week or so, so they probably wont be updated for a couple of days :P Sorry.

James: I can't believe you actually tweeted me that.


Wolfie: I said don't tweet him!! NOW THINGS WILL BE AWKWARD.

Okay, I didn't actually tweet him I promise.


Okay, right I'm leaving.

DANCE PARTY *threedancinggoofballsgo*

Henderwhore Out! <3

1 Month Later

Tour Is Over

Lou's P.O.V

The court case is in three days, and I still haven't told James everything that happened. I need to tell him.

He can't hear all this in court.

He just can't.

"James, please sit down" I said, as he was pacing. He didn't want me to go on the stand, but I had to.

For Delilah.

He sat down beside me and grabbed my hand, playing with my fingers.

"James, please just listen to me okay?"

He looked at me, and then sighed and nodded.

I swallowed and began.

"All of this drama with Damien started about four years ago, when I first met Jess"

Four Years Before - London

I was sitting in Starucks, waiting for my coffee, when this girl sat beside me.

"Hey, my brother really likes you. Would you like to sit with us?"

I looked over to were she was pointing at and saw a really handsome guy. He saw me looking and smiled, making me blush.

I looked back at the girl and replied "yeah sure. I'm Lou"

"I'm Jess, and my brother's called Damien"

Woah, I know that name from some were, but were?

I followed her over to their table, and shook Damien's hand.

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