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Sunday. July 5, 1987

Eddie awoke to a weight pressed against his side, he turned to look at the boy. A flood of memories from the night before, caused him to sit up in his bed abruptly. He smiled down for a second, tracing circles onto his leg with a finger, glancing at the sleeping figure by his side. He looked around the room to see a few of his friends who must've been too tired to get to their own cabins after their night of adolescent misconduct. Eddie rubbed his eyes slowly, annoyed that he was always the first one awake. He heard rustling by his side and turned to see the sleepy boy rise from his spot as well. The boy ran to the bathroom, cursing. Eddie frowned for a second.

"Eddie?" A voice groaned from a few feet away. He turned to see who was speaking to him and Jesus Christ he needed to take a mental note to never drink again. "What the fuck happened last night?" The boy questioned.

"I-" Eddie felt his stomach flutter. "Uh-"

[16 hours earlier]

Saturday. July 4, 1987

Mike Hanlon had no experience whatsoever with alcohol. His parents were never big drinkers, neither was his grandfather who took over guardianship after their death. He really didn't even care for the poison. He considered this as he climbed through the window of Steve Harrington's cabin to retrieve the said juice for him and his friends.

"What have you gotten yourself into?" Mike spoke to himself, stepping foot into the room that smelled oddly of cologne and post-pubescent hormones. The rest of the losers were keeping watch outside, some were chatting and playing games in order to look less suspicious while standing right outside the head counselor's cabin. Richie was watching from right outside the window while Eddie observed him from a few feet away.

"Quit mumbling to yourself, soldier. You've got a job to do, young fellow!" Mike rolled his eyes at Richie. He really got too theatrical when it came to schemes like this.

"Richie, shut up for a second, I need to find it fast." Mike rummaged through drawers, under a desk, and in the closet.

"Is that any way to talk to your captain, soldier? Drop and give me twenty!" Richie persisted. Mike threw him a death glare and he soon gave up.

"Check under the bed." Richie suggested. Mike dropped to the ground to peer under the bed and there it was. The holy grail. The secret stash. He smiled wider than he ever thought he could. Finally, it was over.

He reached out and grabbed as many packs of beer that his arms could carry and headed back to the window where he began passing them to Richie who was whistling for the others to gather around.

A few feet away, someone else heard this, however. Henry Bowers and two of his goons were roughhousing when they turned towards the group. Henry narrowed his eyes and led the way towards the losers.

"What are you homos doing back here?" Henry spat. Beverly rolled her eyes and attempted to stand in front of Richie to hide the drinks.

"N-nothing, Bowers. Leave us a-alone." Bill clenched his fist, taking a step ahead of everyone, in order to protect them. Eddie was beginning to panic at the circumstances and he reached inside his fanny pack for his inhaler.

"Shut up, B-B-Bill." Henry snickered, jumping towards Ben to make the boy scream. Bowers and his pals laughed at the boy.

"The fuck are you losers doing." Henry asked, seeming to grow more impatient by the second. Richie was scared they'd see the beer and take it from them, he stood by Eddie who could sense the panic in his eyes.

"We were about to get high." Eddie piped up. Half of the losers nearly broke their necks at how quickly they turned to look at the delicate boy. Was he insane? The answer was debatable.

"W-We-" Bill couldn't even find the words to go along with him, the entire group was in shock.

"You losers don't have anything. Now tell me what's really going on before I lose my temper and break egg boy's nose." The monstrous boy sneered.

"Here! I have some. Take it, all of it. Just leave us alone." Eddie pulled out a small bag from his pack and tossed it at Henry who looked dumbfounded.

"Well-" Henry thought for a moment, shocked once again. "I don't need you to give this to me, I could just take it and beat your ass."

"Take it and go, Henry. We out number you guys, anyway. Spare us all the trouble and enjoy your fucking holiday." Eddie had no idea where this courage was coming from but he had a feeling it was fueled by the way Richie was staring at him.

"Fine, faggot. But we'll be seeing you freaks again soon." With that, the boys left and the group was able to sigh in relief.

"Eddie, what the fuck!" Stan breathed out suddenly.

"You had marijuana this entire time?" Will was gripping his hair, shell-shocked by the situation.

"Guys! It was just oregano. I keep it just in case I run out of respiratory pills." Eddie laughed. Richie looked amazed, absolutely amazed.

"I could hug you right now!" Richie grinned so wide at their newfound hero.

Eddie felt it again. The way he'd felt the first time they kissed, like the world disappeared around him and all he could see and know was Richie and the words he just let come out of his mouth.

"So do it," Eddie heard his voice mutter, he had no idea he had the control though. Richie froze for a second. Apprehensively, he handed the beer to Mike who had climbed back out through the window. Richie pulled Eddie close and the two shared an embrace that made Eddie's head spin. He couldn't figure out if he was gay exactly but one thing for sure is he felt things when he was around Richie. Things that made him want to smile and scream all at once. The two pulled away and their friends all smiled at them. They were in for the night of their lives.

➳ ➳ ➳

yo don't hate me for ending the chapter here but I am tired

ok but imagine a world where I updated every fucking day the way I used to. .. no promises but Im really gonnna try for you all. Hopefully I'll update this in the next 3 days. Love you if you're reading this like fuck it's been so long so thank you.

also i tried something new as you can see... I started with a flashforward.. in the next chapter it'll continue with the night and end with the beginning of this chapter that you read about the next day.

what do you think happened? who do you think was in bed with Eddie?

rip im not great sometimes so i dont update but im trying to be :) and Im trying to be happy so thank you for being apart of that. for reading this


april 9, 2018 @12:49 am

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