Chapter 6

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Everybody gathered at the meeting point when Thomas, Minho, Sonya, and Aris arrived. Most of them got a full pack of stuff. Only two seemed didn't get anything. They welcomed Thomas and the others with relief. At least all of them could make it even though they looked worse than before. Dirty and ripped clothes, scratches, and bruises were proof that they got a sweet greeting from the Cranks. In anything, Thomas was the worst. He looked like ninety percent of his body was scratched and punched. Luckily his face was fine---he seemingly could protect it, not willing to let his face looked ugly.

Minho strode forward, halted in front of the Flat Trans. He rolled his eyes over everyone who paid attention on him. They were waiting for Minho's instruction, and would obey whatever he asked for.

"Alright, everybody. I am glad we're all make it back. You shanks put all the stuff you got at the boy's Homestead, then go check yourselves to the Med-jacks. Let's go!" Minho stepped into the Flat Trans, followed by the others.

Thomas watched his Friend disappeared into the shimmering grey wall. He nailed until nobody was around him. He turned his head, staring far at one spot. Pain suddenly ripped his chest. At that place, he saw one of his best friend took her last breath. Teresa. She only cared to him. She only wanted to protect him.

Thomas inhaled deeply, refusing pain to eat him alive. He leaped into the Flat Trans.

He'd landed on the wooden floor of the shed. Someone ran over him, pulling him into a hug. It was Brenda. Warmth spread as she pressed him. He knew that he had to throw away his sorrow. It wasn't fair for Brenda if he didn't because she always tried to cheer him up.

"You look so bad," Brenda released herself. Her neck craned to look at Thomas's eyes.

"At least, I've fulfilled my promise." Thomas forced a smile, hoping it could finish his sadness.

"Yeah, let's go get yourself checked!" Brenda grabbed his arm, dragging him.

"I have to put this first at the boy's Homestead." He pointed at his pack.

"Seems you got so many stuff."

"Fortunately, yeah."

Minho was the only one who stayed at the boy's Homestead. He was inspecting all the stuff they'd got when Thomas and Brenda arrived. Thomas wondered they'd got so many stuff from out there. There were clothes, stationery, electric tools, and---Frypan would be happy---some cooking stuff. Oh, and there were some blades and knives. But, he didn't see any medicine and medical stuff. Maybe Minho got the others to take it to the Nursing Homestead.

Thomas walked toward a pile of electric tools. He spilled all of the stuff from his pack carefully. "Don't you go to the Nursing Homestead?"

"After this." Minho glared at Thomas, then back to his work, inspecting those stuff. "You go to Med-jack now, shank!"

"I'll go with you. Come on!"

"I'll go after you." Minho didn't even look at Thomas.

Thomas didn't move. His eyes lingered at Minho, watching his profile. If Minho did that because he carried some responsibilities as a leader, he thought Minho was overacting. Minho was a good leader, didn't need to proof anything. Beside, all of his bruises and scratches needed to be treated.

Brenda stared at Thomas. He spontaneously stared back. Then, Brenda nodded. She walked to Minho.

"You don't look good. Come with us!" She grasped Minho's arm.

"But, Brenda, I have to---"

Brenda cut him off, "You think anyone will stole these wreckage, idiot?"

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