Chapter 10

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They stopped about four feet away from that blonde boy. That boy wasn’t sleeping. Thomas and Minho could see blood stained the floor, seeping from his lifeless body. He died. Ironically, relief came to them. That boy wasn’t their best friend.

“He’s not him,” Minho muttered. “Let’s go back to the Berg.” He walked back and forth.

Thomas didn’t move. Something bothered him. That boy. The fresh blood. “Hey, Minho.” Thomas took his way toward Minho. “I suspect, there are the other people here. You see, that blood is still fresh.”

Minho nodded. “I know. So, let’s go quickly.”

Thomas didn’t respond him yet. His mouth opened to say something. But, he moved his hands instead of his tongue. He cast his knife by right hand, and dropped Minho by left hand. A few second earlier, Thomas saw someone dressed in black, aiming a gun to Minho.

“You okay?” Thomas helped Minho to stand up.

“Yeah. Thanks. Nice throw, shank.”

“What happenend?” Gally yelled from the Berg. He walked down to see what had happened.

“Just a little problem,” Minho answered as he headed to the man who failed to shoot him. He took a weapon from the man’s grip.

Thomas narrowed his eyes to see the weapon in Minho’s hand. A Launcher.

“Let’s go!”

Thomas nodded, stepping his leg. Gally didn’t come any closer, only watching them at the hatch door. Thomas suddenly bent down, sprinting toward the nearest drum to protect himself. Minho ran to the different side, cross to him. Gally hid his body in the Berg. A few grenades passed across the room, exploding in crash of wall and drum. Electricity crept between the drums that clung one to another.

“Shuck it!” Minho mumbled. “They seemed to think that some people would get to this hangar.”

“Yeah,” Thomas agreed. “Maybe they need a pilot to fly that shucking Berg.”

“Nice guess.” Minho took a peek through the drum. But, someone sent some grenades to him. He quickly pulled back his head. Electricity spread through the drum in front of him. He moved a dozen inches away. “Shuck it! We can’t be here forever.”

The Berg was about thirty yard away. They only needed a few seconds to run toward it. But, they didn’t know how many people who hid behind the drums with Launchers in their hands. Meanwhile, Thomas didn’t have any weapon. Minho’s Launcher wouldn’t help so much. They would run in the open area, too easy to be the targets.

“You have a plan?”

A question from Minho dispersed Thomas’s mind. He took a second to think. “We have to run as fast as we can to the Berg, hope they ain’t professional snipers so that our movement will be difficult for them to get a precise target.” Thomas leaned against the drum. His weight made the drum moved a few inches. He leaned forward. The drums were empty.

“Good idea.” Minho nodded. One again, he peeped over the drum. “The others are still in the Berg.” He informed.

“Good that. They will be the easy targets if they get out of the Berg.” Thomas saw Minho had two knives while he didn’t have any weapon. “Minho, can I have one of your knives?”

Minho took his knives, then threw them to Thomas. “One Launcher is enough for me.”

Thomas picked up the knives. “Okay.”

“So?” Minho stared at him. He didn’t need to ask a question. Thomas could understood by seeing his eyes.

“Let’s go!”

After the Crank (TMR Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now