Chapter 8

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Thomas spent the rest of the day sitting at the beach, enjoying the view of sunset. He would go to Denver soon. He didn’t know how long it would be until they back to the Safe Haven, not knowing when he could witness sunset at the beach after that day. In Denver they might be spend time walking around, fighting, running, and hiding. They wouldn’t have much free time to relax, much less to witness the sunset.

The sea waves rolled over the beach. Salty water crept through the sand. Thomas stretched his hand, touching the water. It was cool. The coolness of salty water streamed throughout his body. For the first time since he had lived in the Safe Haven, he really could enjoy that view. A part of him was still missing. But, the hope of finding his best friend became a key to open his happiness.

The sun had dipped below the pseudo line of horizon. Thomas smiled. In the Glade, the doors was about to close. He had never thought he would miss a horrible grinding sound while the doors moving. A loud boom as four doors sealed shut echoed in his ear. The flashes of his memory shadowed in front of his eyes. He closed his eyes for a moment, then stepped.

He made his way directly to the kitchen. He wouldn’t miss dinner with his friends. He walked slowly with eyes darting around, passing the scrub bush, grassy field until he reach the hill, and continued. There were more than two hundred people in the Safe Haven. After a month, he couldn’t know all of them, yet. But, They did know him. Or at least they recognized his face. Of course they did.

His eyes stopped moving when he saw Brenda and some children. They were having fun. It didn’t took long for Brenda spotted him. She waved her hand to him. Thomas smiled. Brenda turned her face again. He didn’t know what Brenda told those children. Those children ran at once, racing to the kitchen while Brenda stood up at her place.

“How do you feel?” Brenda asked Thomas once he reached her. She took a step, following him.

Thomas smiled. “You ask that every time you see me. That means, five time this day.” Nevertheless, Thomas didn’t bother to hear that. Contrarily, he felt happy. Brenda had never stopped making him aware that he had friends who cared about him. “I’m good, Brenda. Clint and you treated me well.”

Brenda chuckled. “I can’t believe you count my questions, Thomas.”

Thomas only smiled. They walked in silence until they reach the kitchen.

People lined up to the table that full of food. Thomas stepped a few step from the line, so did Brenda. Frypan and his team looked so busy serving the starving people. Their hands were moving fast. Frypan didn't stop smiling though he was busy. He seemed to like his job.

Thomas marched to the table after the line of people lessened. He was right on Brenda’s heels. Frypan quickly spotted him. “Hallo, Fry,” Thomas greeted.

“Hallo, Thomas. How do you feel?” Frypan put boiled potato and and a slice of roasted deer meat to his plate.

“I’m fine, Fry.” Thomas released a slightest hint of smile. “Don’t know after eating this meal. I hope you really a good cook.”

“You’re really a funny guy, Thomas.” Frypan laughed. “You’ll ask for more after finish this, I guarantee.”

“So, make sure you leave some food for my second dinner or I’ll eat you.”

They laughed louder. “Okay, Fry. You have to stop talking or I’ll make a few people behind me die because of hunger.”

“Okay, then.” Frypan’s laugh was escorting Thomas as he walked away.

Brenda was at the long table outside the kitchen. There were Minho, Aris, and Sonya too. Thomas walked toward them. Minho and Aris were talking about Wire-tric when he joined them. Brenda and Thomas seemed not to pay attention about it, instead they looked bored. Fortunately, the conversation about Wire-tric finished not long after Thomas came. If there would be another conversation, Thomas supposed to know the topic. But, they didn’t utter a word until they all finish their dinner.

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