Anxiety (Requested)

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This was requested by MENDES_LMUFFINS. Hope you like it!💖

*Shawn's POV*

I walked up to the back of the car, seeing my dad putting a couple bags in the trunk. "Dad, do I really have to come along on this road trip? Can we maybe just wait until tomorrow? I'm not feeling myself today."

"Sorry Shawn," he told me, "If you want to get to the meet-up on time, we need to leave today."

"Okay," I sighed. The road trip we were planning was going to be with me, my dad, a few of the boys from Magcon, and thankfully my girlfriend Y/n. I was so glad that she agreed to come along.

I had anxiety and it always got worse whenever we were driving. I always try to stay calm and take deep breaths, but the thoughts of the car crashing always take over. Also, I always got insecure around the other guys about the hearing aids I had to wear. That never helped my anxiety either. But I would have to deal with it. Hopefully Y/n would help keep me calm.

My dad closed the back door of the car and came up to me. "Don't worry," he said, patting me on the back, "You'll be fine."

I only nodded.

Twenty minutes later, Y/n and the guys show up. I greet Y/n with a hug as the others are climbing into the car.

She steps away from me a little, keeping her hands on my shoulders, and asks, "How are you doing?"

"I'm okay," I respond, faking a smile. She looks a little unsure, but believes it.

Soon, we get in the car and leave my house. My dad was driving and Y/n was sitting in the passenger seat. I was sitting behind her with Cameron next to me and the other few guys behind me in the third row.

Everyone, except for me, was talking and being pretty rowdy as we drove. I just didn't feel right and I was overthinking every little thing.

Eventually, Y/n turns around the best she could to face me. Everyone else was still speaking loudly, so they couldn't hear us talking. "Shawn," Y/n started, "Did you remember to take the pills for your anxiety?"

It hit me then. "Oh my god, I completely forgot to take them," I groaned, leaning my head back against the seat. We were definitely too far away to go back to the house so I could get them.

"Hey, it's okay," Y/n told, "It's not the first time this has happened anyways. Just remember I'm here if you need me."

"I know. Thank you," I said. She smiled at me before turning back around in her seat. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad.

After we had been driving for almost an hour however, my anxiety started to get really bad. Since I was stuck in the car and obviously couldn't move around, I started to fidget a lot, pulling at my fingers and bouncing my leg. The other boys must have noticed how anxious I was because I could feel them all staring at me.

"Are you worried we're going to crash, Shawn?" Cameron joked, "You sure seem pretty nervous. Maybe we should pull over for you." The rest of them laughed.

Even though I knew that they were only joking around like always and they didn't mean any of it, it still upset me. I crossed my arms, trying to ignore them and calm down, but they just kept cracking jokes.

My heart was beating faster and I hugged my shoulders tightly. I couldn't take hearing their laughs anymore, so I reached up to my ears and muted both of my hearing aids. It was something I did pretty often when I wanted silence. The silence did help me calm down a little bit as I closed my eyes.

*Y/n's POV*

"Guys, cut it out," I ordered. The boys were teasing Shawn and he wasn't saying anything, so I knew I had to help him. They meant well, but sometimes got a little carried away.

I looked back through the car's mirror at Shawn. His eyes were closed and he was leaning his head against the window. The boys were trying to talk to him, but he wasn't answering which made me a little concerned.

"Manny," I spoke to Shawn's dad, "I think there's something wrong with Shawn. He seems a little off."

I watched Manny look back at Shawn then back at the road again. "It does seem like something's bothering him," he agreed. "Hey Shawn, what's wrong?" Manny called back to Shawn. He didn't answer though.

I turned around in my seat as much as I could and saw Shawn just staring back at us, confused. Manny asked the question again and I finally started to realize what was happening.

Shawn's eyes were wide and darting back and forth. He wrapped his arms around himself and I could tell his breathing sped up.

"Manny, pull over please," I told, "Shawn's having a panic attack!"

It was a good thing that it wasn't the first time Shawn had a panic attack in front of me because if not, I might not have realized soon enough.

The second the car came to a stop on the side of the road, I jumped out, opened the door, and cane to Shawn's side.

"Is he okay? What's wrong?" both of the Jacks chorused.

I didn't respond, just unbuckled Shawn's seatbelt. I noticed his hearing aids were muted, so I quickly switched them back on. His hands were over his face and I couldn't tell her was crying.

"Shawn, I'm right here," I cooed, holding him in my arms, "Just try to take deep breaths. It will be over soon I promise." Shawn's shoulders were shaking, so I tried to hold him closer to me. "It's okay, it's okay. Breathe with me," I said, imitating deep breaths.

After a minute or two more, Shawn was finally breathing steadily. I kept my arms around him and kissed his head through his hair.

"Is he okay?" Manny asked worriedly. I nodded.

"Y/n, I want to go home," Shawn cried, "Do I still have to meet people today?"

"No, baby. I'll tell them you can't. They'll understand," I said, "We'll get you to a hotel and you can sleep for however long you want."

"Thank you so much, Y/n," Shawn whispered.

"You're welcome, love."

For the rest of the drive, I switched places with Cam and let Shawn lay on me as much as he wanted.


I hope this was good and sorry if it is a little long. I hope you liked it!!

Another reminder that requests are open. I'm working as hard as I can to get them done as soon as possible.

Thanks for reading!

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