Chapter 17

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"Please be okay, Zoe. I love you. Please be okay." I whisper as Daryl lays her across the two sets of the middle row, her head on my lap.
"Oh shit, Rick. Look at her shoulder." Daryl whispers, trying to make sure I don't hear. I do. A gasp comes from my mouth as I see it. Her shoulders out of place, either dislocated or broken.
"Drive, now!" I shout. The entire drive home, Zoe's either sobbing quietly of unconscious. I can't stand to see her like this. It makes me sick to see what the governor did. It's sick to see what someone around my age can get away with in this world.
I zoned out more then once during the ride to the prison. I was either focusing on Zoe or staring at my hands. When my mind finally decides to function, I pick up on my dad and Daryl during a hushed discussion.
"There gonna be fallout." My dad says.
"I know." Daryl admits, his voice lingering at the end. He wants to say more, but he doesn't.
"We need to be prepared for it," Dad tells Daryl. "He's not going to take what we did lightly."
"Rick, can we..." Daryl sighs. "Can we just focus on Zoe right now?" Dad hesitates a minuet, and then falls silent.

"We're here," Michonne says, slightly shaking my shoulder from the back. I nod. She knew I was listening. I place my hands under Zoe's head and slide out from underneath her. Daryl picks her up again and runs, yelling for Hershel.
Just like he did with Tom.
I stand still for a second. The realisation of what might happen hitting me. I don't know how bad her injuries are. There's no way to tell if she'll be okay. Suddenly. I break into a run. Forgetting to apologise when I run into someone's shoulder, or trip on a foot. Nothing concerns me right now, nothing but her. When I'm finally inside, the first thing that comes into vision is Daryl placing her on a table and Hershel connecting her to the handheld oxygen pump. The one I found on a run. Hershel places a long silver needle in her bruised arm, connecting her to a drip. The transparent liquid in the drip is Anaesthetic mixed with painkillers. The exact mix I had when I was shot. It feels like a tiny bit of weight has been lifted off my chest as I see that, knowing she's going to have a small bit of pain relief. But the second Hershel lifts her shirt, the weight returns. My legs feel like I've been tethered to the ground as I run to the window of the room they're in. Blood coats her entire side and almost a whole chuck of skin is missing. I watch by the window silently as Hershel does all sorts to her shoulder and other injured areas. I can't move.
I can only watch.
And I learnt from Zoe that you can scream while unconscious.

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