Chapter 8

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It's been three months since we broke up. After I saw her with Brandon I flew back to Amsterdam. Everyone was of course curious as to why I was back so soon and I made up some shit lie just to stop talking about the matter.


Tears still rimmed my eyes and I knew I'd either have to tell them what really happened or make something up. They met me at the airport throwing questions at me about Emily and if I talked to her. I waved them off telling them to wait till we got to the bus.

Paul helped us deal with the fans until we were at the bus. I bit my lip trying to figure out what I should say that would let them leave me alone.

"So how did it go?" Eleanor asked.

"Did you talk to her?" Louis added.

"What did she say?" Gemma asked.

"Guys please let me speak. She kicked me out of her dorm as soon as I got there. She was drunk and wouldn't let me talk to her"

"So you just left?" Rayne gasped.

"You didn't wait till she was sober?" Liam said like it was something I should know. Little did they know was that I saw plenty enough to know she was over me. She doesn't even know I was there.

"Guys just leave it alone cmon stop getting mad at him" Niall intervened.

"Thank you" I breathed.

"I'm still pissed" Rayne mumbled.

"We know babe" Her boyfriend assured her.


The first month was the hardest as it usually is. I didn't talk much or leave the bus often. Concerts were my form of escape to just do what I love around people that support me and love me. It's an amazing feeling to just be on stage singing your heart out while people scream your name and hold up signs.

It makes you forget about your problems for a few hours.  Although occasionally the boys would request to go to a club or a bar and when I drank I took that opportunity to get as wasted as I could. It still hurt though. Her blue eyes and blonde hair never left my mind.

Although it was only a couple of times unlike Emily, who Rayne insists is out partying every night. It scared me but I was reassured when she started calling again. Not me of course but everyone else letting them know she's okay.

I wanted so badly to just grow up and call her but I was just afraid what she would say if she said anything. I didn't though. Every night I heard Louis talking to her which felt like he was stabbing me in the back talking to my girl- exgirlfriend. But he has Eleanor too so I shouldn't be worried.

I shouldn't even be jealous but I am because he's talking to a person that I could only dream about now. Sometimes I listen to see if he mentions me but he never does. She probably doesn't want to hear about me anyway. They always talk about random things but once I heard him say Brandon which captured my attention until Zayn found me eavesdropping.

And now it's close to the end of the tour so my plan is to go visit Emily again and see if we can at least make up. I just can't stand the thought of her hating me. I have to see her and apologize while she's sober. But knowing how close she and Louis are there's no way he's going to let me after he finds out I never really did talk to her when I visited.

I really should be sleeping but I can't stop thinking about her. It's two AM and we just had our concert in New Orleans which was awesome. Before that we hung out in the French Quarter meeting a lot of fans and visiting a lot of interesting bars that seem to be located on every block. It was very cultural and we tried all the food.

They have amazing food. Niall was going crazy over the jambalaya. Well we all were. All the boys are sleeping and I'm here hoping when I see Emily this time we'll actually talk. I wonder if she and Brandon are dating now. Anger and jealousy returned as I thought back to how they we kissing so intensely like anyone would stop them so they wanted to make the moment count I guess.

What the hell is wrong with me. I'm sitting here analyzing their relationship when I should be sleeping.

"Harry?" Louis's tired voice filled the bunk room.


"Why are you still awake?"

"How did you know I was awake?"

"Because we're best friends I can sense when something is wrong. What's on your mind?"


"She's okay Harry you don't need to worry about her"

"I'm not worried about her. I'm worried about that guy Brandon"

"They aren't dating if that's what your wondering" His voice was on edge like there was more to the story.


"Are you sure you want me to tell you?"

"Yeah I can handle it" Doubt it.

"They're kind of fuck buddies" I was silent for a few minutes processing my shock.

"That's even worse then a relationship!"

"Actually it's not"

"What do you mean?"

"Harry she's still in love with you. If she was in a relationship that would mean she's moved on but she clearly hasn't because she is desperately trying to get you off her mind by using Brandon and I don't think it's working" Lou was right. I had a big goofy smile plastered across my face thinking that she still loves me.

"So she loves me?" I asked but Louis had already fallen back asleep.

She loves me.


hey so as you can see ive changed my last frist kiss covers. i know this is probably way too late my i made a cast for the people besides one direction, 5SOS, gemma, and eleanor.

emily~ julianne hough

rayne~aly michalka

ash~kate hudson

brandon~ austin butler(i know his hair is more blonde but just use your imagination)



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