5➿Another World

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Robin's POV

"Okay do it again." Okoye commands

I launch myself into the air and 7 archers shoot me mid air. My task is to dodge all arrows. I do multiple flips and curves but manage to dodge all arrows.

"It's sloppy," Okoye deadpans as I land.

"I wasn't hit." I state.

"But you could have been. I saw several openings." She always does this.She always sees opening. She just picks on the mistakes.

"Maybe I should get my head shaved an tattooed so I can be cool like you.  I don't need to know how to be agile okay. I have powers so why would I ever need to fight without them."

"You'd be surprised the situations you come across out in the field."

"Look at the time. I need to go see a lady about a cat." I run off.

" Robin training isn't over!," Okoye yells.

I run up to the research level of the castle. "Did you get anything yet?" I ask.

"The only thing I can confirm is that you are my best friend."

"I need more than that Shuri."

"Okay well your chromosomes work different to ours. I can confirm that you're alien."

"How does my chromosome differ."

"Well we have X and Y chromosomes you only have one and it's neither"

"And Bucky?" I deadpan.

"I confirmed that he is infected with the virus of yours. It's not a poison, it's a virus. You should not call it a poison .. It's confusing."

"I don't call it poison. Im the poison."

" and there was no drug evidence in your recent submissions so..."

"He didn't drug me."

"Let's focus on the positive , like the fact that you come from another world."

"I know. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like on the planet I come From."

"I bet you do. Don't worry Rob, I'll find out where you come from and I'll build you a ship to get you there."

"That's if it still exist. Can I ask a question?" I walk over to her

"You just did," she laughs.

"Another. How do you think my mom got a birth certificate for me."

"No Rob you're confused.  you're DNA is dominated by this alien species but you are part human."

"So my mother is my biological mother."

"Your father is an Alien."

"Was. He's dead."

"Sorry. Mine too."

"But yours didn't lie to you your whole life."

"True... my father was incapable of dishonesty. If you don't count the fact that he killed my uncle and didn't tell us about our cousin" That's some fucked up family shit.

Suddenly everything becomes a blur and I fall into a trance. Lust took dominant effect on all my emotions. Suddenly I was laying in an oversized bed being plowed into by a figure. 

I woke up in a bed next to T'Challa. Suddenly my mind overflowed with memories . I remembered the sweet love we made. It was the weirdest thing. It felt the same as it did with Bucky. It felt like love.


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