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Bruce's POV

The satellite is hovering over America since everywhere else seems to be quiet. Today is the day Thor comes home. I can't wait to tell him everything that happened.

Suddenly a bifrost beam hits the satellite. It's him. He climbs on board and enters the room. 

"Banner. Nice to see you after all this time." Thor says giving me a hug.

"Nice to see you too. I didn't even know you left. One day we were playing Chess and the next Tony tells me you left to roam the universe in search of refugee Asgardians."

"Yeah. There are still many of us out there. It's my job to round them up and lead them. Where is Tony."

"He's dead."

"How?," He asked in shock.

I walk away and indicate to him that he should follow me. He does and I lead him to a cryogenic freezer that was holding Peter.

"They were infected with some sort of virus. I estimated from my encounters with it that it gives you 182 days to live. We put Pete in the freezer when he got to 181."

"This virus where did it come from? I will put an end to the source."

"It was Rob but it's not his fault. He didn't know. "

"Is he in a chamber?"

"No. I don't know where he is."

"He's dangerous. We have to find him, bring him back and lock him up before he infects anybody else."

"He won't. He knows now . he'll use protection."

"What are you speaking about."

"That's how it spreads. Sex. So it's like HIV only deadlier."

"You must be joking. Peter and Tony aren't even gay."

"Tony was bi, I've known for a while. Most rich people are. And you're right Peter is not into men but he is into Robin, in fact I haven't seen anything like it before. It's love in the purest form. Even after Robin left, Peter was furious and even used words such as hate but I could still sense the love."

"But now he's dying because of it and the world needs beetleboy."

"It's Spiderman."

All the lights turn red, an emergency indication. We switch on the news report to see a flag that was placed in the statue of liberty's hand. It looks like the torch was ripped out.

"It's Asgardian. I'll check it out." Says Thor.

"I'll be there in a minute." I reply


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