An unpleasant surprise

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"Fionna you have to do something!" Cake said as the blonde-haired girl flopped down into the worn-away couch in their bedroom. "I mean come on! It's your birthday. You have to do something....." The feline sighed as the girl still didn't respond.

"Fine." She gave in. "Have another uneventful birthday. It's not like we do anything anyway!" She was starting to get annoyed.

Finally the girl spoke, "I wish something would jut happen." She said.

Cake smiled, hoping that this was an opportunity for something fun.

"Then lets go outside!" She replied, running up to her. "Look!" She pointed out the window. "It's a lovely day, and it will only get gloomier if your do nothing but sit in your behind."

Fionna sighed. "But I haven't been outside..... in ages."

"I know. But you can't let something like Prince Gumball keep you from having fun."

Cake tried not to say much more. This was the only subject Fionna was sensitive about and she wanted the day to be perfect.

"Fiiine." Fionna gave in. "Let's go out. But don't talk about PG anymore okay?"

Cake nodded, "okay."

"THIS WAS A BAD IDEA!" Fionna yelled as the two of them ran through the forest as the Ice Queen chased after them, laughing and howling on about certain princes.

"THIS ISN'T SO BAD." Cake replied, dodging an icicle as it zoomed past their faces. "SHE'S JUST HAVING A BAD DAY!"

"SHE ALWAYS HAS A BAD DAY!" Fionna said as she ran into a cave, seeking refuge.

"Why didn't you bring your sword?" Cake asked as the Ice Queen sought out which direction they went in. "What? My sword? I haven't used that thing since the Gumball incident." Fionna poked her head around the corner and jumped as her face met with another that was cold and blue. "I found you Fionna!" The Ice Queen smiled as the reached to grab hold of her.

"Cake, get her off me!" Fionna yelled as the woman wrapped her arms around her, her hands were glowing with a cold anticipation.

"Stay off my bunny girl!" Cake ordered before growing a giant fist and punching her in the face, knocking off her tiara.

Fionna fell to the ground and scurried away as the Ice Queen frantically searched for the source of her magical powers. She grabbed the tiara and threw it back out through the entrance as the woman chased after it yelling.

"We should go before she comes back." Fionna suggested as she turned around to Cake.

"Cake?" She said as she found that her feline friend wasn't there. Only shadows and darkness greeted her.

"Cake!?" She yelled, hoping that she wasn't too far away.

She walked further into the cave and stopped as she heard a scratching noise further ahead. "Cake, is that you?" She asked, cautiously continuing forward. "This isn't funny." She added.

But before she had the chance to say anything else, cold hands clasped around her mouth and something urged for her to shush from behind. She turned around quickly and gasped as a dark-haired, green-skinned vampire boy stared straight back, a smirk in his face and red dripping from his fangs.

"I think it's time we leave." He said before once again grabbing her and whooshing away.

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